Any Human Resources Manager in China and Factory Bosses that I will cal Mr Everybody
should think to create added value, by constantly training their staff.
Is this my idea?
Ok of course not
Just read this:
Students of ancient times all had their teachers. For a teacher is a man who transmits the way, imparts learning,and dispels doubts. No man is born with knowledge, and then, how can a man be free from doubts? If a man has doubts and does not learn from a teacher, his doubts can never be solved. ----Han yu
古之学者必有师。师者所以传道授业解惑也。人非生而知之者,熟能无惑?惑者不从师。其为惑也终不解矣。 ----韩愈
You want to be a good friend,husband,boss,business partner in China,let help them to be free of doubts, share your experience knowledge with them.
Let them feel every single day that not only money matters the pleasure of learning with you
is an insurance against doubt.
If you can do this you will live surrounded in an environment of respect and admiration.
For those who have free time and just think what you do with it"?
You will find in your life ample opportunity to study something new, you will discover that will make your spirit bubbling and youthful.
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