What theys ay is clear.
What they mean is most of the time unclear in the ears of a foreigner..
Do they really mean it or is that just a trick?To beat you down with a magic Kung Fu action?
I personally checked this out.
I managed a factory.
I convince my suppliers that my number one problem is in dealing with them is to care they are
paid on time and I have no other worry than their interest.
This let them only to care about my interest in delivering on time .
I did same with my workers let them earn twice or three time more than any other factory
They just worked like crazy and my cost per unit was not higher than competing factories it was
exactly the same we just produce three time faster than others.
What you give is what you get.It is as simple as this.
See The Chinese Version of this story told by Chinese person:
The English translated version is just right after that:
首先,谈到联络方式,这一点非常重要,因为在一个工厂的运行中,总会有不断的新情况的出现,这其中往往会有一些问题要最终决定权的人才能决 定,比方说,某一家供应商的质量有问题,我们要换一家,又比如突然其中的一些材料价格变动了,这些作为老板都要及时了解,所以你以前找的那些技术手段,比 如即时聊天工具,email,电话,电子记账软件,等等,不仅确保了我们能及时联系到你,而且也能及时把各种情况报告上来。你也同时通过这些手段时不时的 检查我们的工作,特别是电子记账软件,每一段时间就mail过来,你通过综合你在时做的各种调查结果,应该是能够清楚是否有大出入的。
其次,工作上的控制,这一点和及时的联络是分不开的,所以上面一条中实际已谈到过,这里单独提出来讲,原因是这一点特别重要。你对于各项花费 了解和控制之余,你是如何处理它的合理性呢。你不停的问这样或那样的问题,我想这是考核之一吧。工作的进度,工人每天的产量,你总是在给一个单子出来后就 问我的计划是什么,能够在什么时候完成。你对此进行了项目式管理。我想这种管理方式是
你所能才取的最好的方式了,特别是像你这样本人并不在场的情况下。一 个项目我给出多少材料,我预订多少,我的工资花费多少,管理费多少,计划外的有多少,我的售价是多少,我能得到多少,非常清楚。
供应商为什么会接受你的先用后付款的方式呢,这有两点要特别指出来。第一、每次你回来你都能及时的和他们把帐结清楚,即便是一时手头不便也能 给其一个合理的时间,这样就使供应商能把这些款子计算在其计划内而不落空,第二,你所选定的经理人能很好的和这些供应商相处,并且他能完全的信任你,你使 你的经理人承诺也不会落空,因些有时甚至你不在的时候发生材料短缺你的经理人也能按照程序补充,记得当时你要求我们对每一种采购都事先做好采购单的,这样 你通过留存的采购单可以进行考核。采购单上有请购人的、供应商的、经理的签字,最大可能的保证了花费的安全。
作为一个老外,其实你就算和你的中国工人整天呆在一起也不会起到管理作用,因为你的思想和中国内地来的工人的思想相差太大。我注意到你一直本 着你固有的品质,尊重他们,给他们合理的工资,使他们认为是可以信任你,你给他们额外的帮助。所以工人也最大的可能来为你所想,我们的技工袁先生给了我们 多少合理化的建议呢。有时候他们甚至越过我直接给你报告。
English translated version:
Dear Joe,
Here below are my personal opinions about your management style:
As a boss, you can well manage a factory when you’re away. There are many factors.
First of all, before we start production, we have investigated all kinds of materials and procedure. We know exactly the price, quality and delivery date. Not only we enquiry our usual suppliers, we also search new suppliers & supplier’s supplier to find more reasonable materials. Even till now, I have to tell it was a very good way for controlling product’s quality and cost.
Secondly, you know how to make a good product cost analysis. We employed three sampling guys, bought three sampling machines, and then started to make our own samples. Through the sampling, we know exactly how much it really cost on every single product, including the main materials as well as secondary materials. Thus, we can easily control our cost and calculate the production time and worker’s cost.
Thirdly, as a boss, you’re successful in the relationship with suppliers. After your investigation about material price and suppliers, you’ll establish stable relationship with them. Our suppliers can always send us goods whenever we need. It was wonderful that we can get materials and already start production without paying. Anyway, every time you pay our supplier timely, even if no cash in hand, that is why they trust you. Also, your managers can get along with suppliers. Through the purchase order, you can check the status easily; besides, there are signatures of purchaser , supplier and manager, which ensure we do not spend unexpected money.
Fourthly, you treat Chinese workers very kindly, and give them a much bigger salary comparing to other factories. Yes, you pay them more, but all the workers are faithful to you because of your kindness. As they get more salary, they start to work like crazy and fasten the production. Because your products are for export, your extra money for your workers is very good for avoiding worker’s laziness / wasting materials / slow working. Also, workers respect and trust more, because your nice treatment to them.
Fifthly, let’s talk about contact way, which is very important. When running a factory, there will always be new situations happening, which can be only handled by the person who has the final decision power. For example, we have to change supplier when one supplier has quality problem; material price is changing. All the above changes must be known by the boss. As you taught us to use chatting software / Email / telephone / Electronic Accounting Software, we used to update from time to time, which ensure us to contact you timely and report to you all the time. Especially the Electronic Accounting Software, you check fluently to see whether it is balanced.
Sixthly, I appreciate your way to assign job to workers. You make project management to every single order. You will discuss and make plan with us about work procedure, worker’s daily production capacity, our production plan, our delivery date. I consider it a very good way to manage the factory and production when a boss is away. Everybody is clear about the project, including how much materials we should use, how much we should order, how much will be the worker’s salary, how much will be the management fee, how much will be extra fee, how much will be our sales price, how much we will earn.
As a foreigner, you respect all the Chinese workers, give them reasonable salary, let them trust you, which makes all the workers respect you and think for the boss. Like our sampling guy Mr Yuan, he gives us so many good suggestions, sometimes he even report to you beyond me.
Last, you know how to find a good manager for you. You need a manager especially when you are away from factory. For a manager, the most important factor is honesty, then is ability. Many people are capable, anyway, honesty is beyond ability.
Thats the end of his statement,
Now let us come to my observations:
Is it something new in China?
Definitely no?
They said ages ago
when a blind man carries a lame man, both go forward.
Next time a Chinese say we hope we co operate.
He knows for anything we do sometimes we are lame, sometimes we are blind he also knows
if his country suddenly opened and developed its because they came to the conclusion that they need to open their arm and their heart for a true WIN WIN cooperation.
If you are honest they will be honest to you.
If you look down on them they will look down on you
If you want to receive you must convince them in words and in deeds that you are willing
to do all to protect their interest in turn they will protect your interest too.
If you look to word of cooperate 合作 in chinese
In dictionary it says
work together
Thats sound nice
English English dictionary says
Work together on a common enterprise of project
it also says
Join Forces.
That is in fact real sense of cooperation.
Maybe a good student of today can be the good teacher of tomorrow
We can have the vision of learning from China asking to China not only to export their goods
also to export their managerial skills in turning different countries into many Chinas of future.
But this is not going to happen so quickly as China, still lack managerial skill, they will need to work hard to bring the development to all the parts of their country and energize their neighbours to benefit from their experience, it is the second Long March in History of China.
The task is immense and the carefully planned many small step approach is just for making sure this experience will not fail before coming to its conclusion
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