Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mind Set Management

When Christoph Columbus was a kid, legend says that he will sit at the dock and travel to America in his mind.

When acrobatic pilots prepare the flight they will use their arms and simulate the flight in their mind.

A manager who has to manage , his smoking habit, his overweight, his expanding company. his country (for president manager of the country)
He must first make a list of the actual situation , and understand the reasons in past for the situation, and imagine in mind how the future will be if he can get rid himself all the shortcomings of the present.
Than once convinced of a future without blackened lungs, a slimmer body and better economy for his country he will need little time to programme the future in his brain.

Once we know this we can do many things.

When I decided to learn Chinese at the age of 53, Albert my good friend reacted.I praise you for your ability AT YOUR AGE to decide to go to school every morning listen to your teacher.
What he did not know there was some class mates in my school who were from Japan using the computer and learning Chinese at the age of 82.Making me one of the young men in my class he he...
Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.
学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 -----中国谚语

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. ----Confucius
学而不思则盲,思而不学则怠。 ----孔子

Learn whatever it may be, whenever you can, and wherever you will. ----Chu Hsi
无一事而不学,无一时而不学,无一处而不得。 ---朱喜

There is no talk about age here.
It just equates Learning is to swimming forward. Ah? Means progress right?.Thinking is use your brain right?Also you can learn any junk things it does not matter as long as you learn something I do not mind......

That explain, why in school we learn so many useless things, they just fill our eyes and ears and mind with many junk information for an average of 10 to 15 years of our poor little existence...
Oh I see.....
Maybe they want to to turn your brain into a machine of learning.
So we can get addicted to learning.We can feel the exctasy ( sorry I do not mean that little devil thing that was invented by somebodies bad side of the brain)

Oh now I can see, every time I ask my Chinese employees to work they will suddenly tell me
Mr Joe please open a school we shall support you.
I was stupid.
Using my Latin Reading mind to misunderstand their meaning and say:
-No please do not divert me from Boss to Teacher.

Now I see why people in China are thirsty of knowledge.

Learning always new things can create a feeling of euphoria that can keep mind bubbling
of new projects.
So our brain can work in both ways.Good and bad.

A famous Cancerologue from Paris Professor Olivenstein said about 39 years ago that if it was so diffcult to treat cancer it is because every cancer patient is the project engineer , chief architect and builder of his own disease just because of his inability to manage the heartbreak, sadness and all kind of negative feelings.

As our brain is like a computer that can increase its storage capacity by desire of learning , innovation and the will for a better future.
It can also put a better processor to process those newly acquired knowledge and invent a software that can be applied in solving the problems of the past and present and building a better future.

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