Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The Last Amazons (女子)刚勇好战的of Lugu Lake

A house managed by women, who can ride horses, sail a boat, walk with self confidence and pride of being head of the family.A status only obtained recently in Western Culture.
A tradition that exist since the times immemorial where the women have the right, to stay at their parents home , to have a room called ,Rose Room to receive their boy friend at young age.

A right to marry a man but let him stay outside the house, he can do what he is supposed to do , and just to come and visit his wife from time to time.

A marriage called an open ended one.

The right to inherit assets from the family and obligation to leave it to their daughter by excluding the sons to get something.

These Red Shirted , White Skirted , tall slander women are called Mosuo they are part of Greater Tibetan Family.
And they live in a corner of paradise called Lugu Lake

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