Let us put ourselves in the shoes of Daniel Tammet
we have the habit to decide to do something, that firm decision becomes a reality. The reality that we decided and in the time we decided to be necessary that our decision can take a shape in facts.
Let us think we ask our brain to remember a big quantity of numbers, and than, we look at those numbers only once and remember without a single mistake , every one of them.
Let us read the comments of people hearing that , in news, calling us, a sick man, autistic
genius and
Let us face the doctors who are still unable pierce the secret of our brain , asking us to learn
The most difficult language on Earth, Icelandic 冰岛(欧洲岛名,在大西洋北部,近北极圈)Language in one week.
Let us surprise and amaze the whole
in a language that we did not know a word a week earlier.
Let us others know that this is the 9th language we have learnt.
Let us tell the world that we are all Daniel Tammets, but maybe not as perfect as him, otherwise how we passed from Stone Age to Industrial Revolution in some thousands of years, and how
we invented so many things in the last fifty years.
How we can write something here now and in a click let other people read it thousands of miles
away from here.
Maybe it is time to become a bad copy of Daniel Tammet
Instead learning a language in just seven days
Let us first learn a Language you name it-Chinese, French,Italian,Turkish,Hebrew or
any other language in just 90 days.
Let us do this in 90 days
And after that we can think how to do this like Daniel Tammet in just seven days.
My next posting will be on how to learn Chinese ( Ha-ha ) Yes Chinese, in just 90
I dedicate these Chinese lessons to all French mothers,
those who scolded their children
When their children could not understand a subject of their school
and the mothers who said:
-Elfin, ce n'est quand meme pas Le Chinois, je ne vois pas pour quoi tu ne comprends pas.
Why you can not understand my explanations, it is not Chinese.
Chinese language in French Slang became synonym of something impossible to understand.
If we say we don’t know in French. We just say for me Its Chinese .It's just the same meaning.
That will be a short article about Chinese learning and it will be also followed by other language
learning in short time
See you next
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