Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Marble Vase Taipei 1976

I am in my hotel I go out from lobby carrying the box containing the marble vase I bought that day for sending it by post.A bell boy run after me. He says ,Sir in Post office they can not speak English and the forms are in Chinese, let me go and post it for you ,you can wait for me here.

He runs away with my box . After 2 minutes he comes back with a receipt.In Chinese. I just think there is no post office in the world that can process my box so quickly and came to conclusion that my box was stolen.Until I went back home I was almost sure my box was lost.When I was finally at home my box was waiting for me.I learned also another lesson that they can do things much faster than us.
Aftter the shirt and marble vase story ,I start to believe ,these people are magicians they can change the time factor at will.And maybe impossible is not a Chinese word.

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