If your boss i saying the following phrases in his daily communication with you, you better just stay with his company ......
I know you are very clever and I know you have the ability to use your knowledge and make his company doing better business.
I always admired the workers here for their ability to support stress and their effort to do better
I am the boss , I have no time and interest to look to the small things.In small things you have to take initiative.
I do not need to be here like your baby sitter if you take decisions on my behalf for the small things, if you make a mistake
I will back you up. I will accept any small loss that may cause.But I will ask you to make a mistake only once.
I will ask you to free me from small mistakes and small losses .I can than go to look the bottom line by searching added value in purchasing
And the benefit of having this free time for me means a lot of dollars and cents much higher than the little losses that your decision may cause
I know you do a lot for our company and you sacrifice a lot .I thank you on behalf of the company and you will definitely get compensated
I call you for the meeting because I decided to consult you about the new project that I am intending to start.But before I do this I want you to go back and think about it and let me know your input as I know you are able to give valuable contribution.
In this company before we hire anybody we do background security check
Once you work here and you know all the internal rules and company culture and you sign to adhere to those two documents.
We trust you.
Our company believe in constant training of the workers.We hire teachers and we give every worker a choice of the subject he or she would like to study , we believe in creativity of a constantly training brain .
This will make our worker more educated to face the future it will also sharpen the competitive edge.
Once our worker learn new knowledge salary scale also follow an increasing trend
If you hear these words from your boss just ask your colleagues how long they have been working there.
You will likely hear more often answers ranging to several years rather than to several months
These are the modern management tools for a manager.
The list is in decreasing importance and the money is important but it comes the last ...
The last is
The result is the manager is freed from petty matters, he can spare 2/3rd of the time outside for finding better customers and better suppliers
A good manager is a person who think every day that he can do better today than yesterday.
For everything he does he has to be a role model for the workers.
If your boss is speaking like above, it will result to a clear and open communication links in all direction.
Nothing will be hidden from the manager.
And a company can progress only with well motivated workers
1 comment:
It is a good introduction for management, but this is " carrot" side of management, sometimes you must be tough, you can learn this from Hollywood moive U-571.
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