Friday, March 9, 2007

The Religion of Tired Faces

I was managing a factory in China, and My Western Eyes was telling me something wrong in the picture that was in the very front of my eyes.

I was extremely tired.Working 7 days a week starting at 6.30 in morning.
Till the ringing of the Door Bell at 11 pm at night.
Just to receive the visitors, Suppliers who were very happy to talk to this crazy foreigner
who was living, eating like them , the most incredible in their eyes , was also working like them.

One morning after a 3 hours sleep , I looked to my face at the mirror.

I saw the best picture that one can see describing a tired man.

Than I went to factory.

I saw very tired looking workers.

I remember going to a street which I call a bottomless street.

Every day people will come there, young and tired and unclean looked migrant workers.
People like me will go to that street and hire them in hundreds.
But the next day the street will be full again.

So you can empty this street every day of its people and the street will be full again.As if this street has no bottom.A bottomless one

I remember my guide to this new world .

When I start managing this business.
I told my Assistant.
I told him if you are going to think I will use my western mind and western eyes and will suddenly like a magician will give orders to turn this business in to a successful venture
You are wrong

I came to do things Chinese way

So from now on
I will not give order

Every time I do something I will ask the Chinese way
Than I will decide how to do it.

Mr. Huang lets call him by his name will tell me and I will comply.

So he said if we need worker let us say sixty
We just start first with one.

Than another time two

Than another time three..
So that's why I was in that Bottomless Street several times

I will chose those who look honest You will tell me the world is full with angel faced criminals

Hire them and next day will be happy to see their faces clean and dresses look nice.

As they crossed a magic line between idle life and working life.They will start the work with happy faces.

I will give my self the promise that I will motivate them in a way that we all will be happy
not only the beginning but all the time we work together..

That morning when I saw the face of the most tired man of the world in the mirror, I went
to factory and see many many tired faces.

Suddenly I ask my self..........

Jews have holiday its Saturday
Christians have holiday too its Sunday
Muslims could not book the Saturday and Sunday, probably they did not wanted to be the last to start working on Tuesday.They wanted to start working before others.So they chose Friday...

I said to my self this , What kind of religion this should be?
Remembering my face in mirror and many tired faces in the factory, I said to my self
this must be The Religion of Tired Faces.

Than I was very angry to this religion.
The religion that makes the whole nation.

But I have no power than the power of changing the faces around me.

I decided that from now on, we shall do like all other religions.Have Sunday holiday.

Boss is a boss and everybody accept my decision.

The following after my mirror a face of rested men I go and pass quickly the production line
I am very proud of my self seeing many handsome boys and girls who looks not tired at all.

Half an hour later I receive a delegation .
They come with an ultimatum.

They say.

We decided not to have holiday anymore.
We like working in your factory.
We live with a purpose here and we shall do what it takes to do it.

When we have holiday, we are diverted from our purpose and we waste our money and energy.

We are young now, and we want to work only .

I was suddenly felt that this is what makes and brake a person , a people and a nation.

Instead I converted them to a religion of one day holiday, I was converted to religion of tired

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