Friday, March 9, 2007

The Open Secret of James Galways

James Galway for those of you who does not know him is a Genius in Flute Playing.
He is one of the few artists in Classical Music who
sold records over 30 millions pieces.
I remember having read while in Switzerland a box
containing a few flutes was lost and the value was
about 300.000.-- USD and a lot of people in the intelligentsia of classic music did not liked him.
Many people envied and jealoused his fame and all the perks that came with it.

One day while driving at late night on a German Highway, I listened at BBC his interview.
He was answering to the following question:

-Where your skills come from?

He answered.

-I was a small child , I asked my uncle to buy me a flute.My uncle said I will buy you a flute if you
work every day to play it.
I will play all day long just stop for eating and when I was too tired to play , I will sleep and did the same thing over and over.

So anything one man do in his life, if he does it with determination,if he work it without counting
hours and days

You want to be a common person living a common life, working common hours from 9 to 5.
You have that right.But you do not have the right to call James Galway new rich, you have no right to call him bad names.By choosing your right to be common you lose your right to judge a person as uncommon as James Galway can be.
As you belong to two different worlds with different value systems and I am sorry to tell you even 40 years too late it does not work to use one value system to judge a person who belong to another one..

Well for those of you who always call bad names on the work ethic of Far East Countries

Just think from Singapore all the way to Korea people are just sleeping when they are tired,
they all became James Galways.
The music that you are listening now is similar to James Galway, its the music of divinity of the human being.When he or she focus on one aim and work for it like a crazy, The result is just let you think how wonderful a human being can be , to turn the silence of death into music of divinity,laziness in to hard working, poverty to wealth.

Every person can be like James Galway

Every country can turn their citizen into a big group of James Galways.

There is no foul game in this.

This is the open Secret of James Galways.

We all have choice

To Bad Mouth James Galways
To do like them .

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