Thursday, March 8, 2007

Knowledge Management Strategies in China

All the known Western practices in Knowledge Management Strategies must face the Wall of Culture
Let us use straight forward language to see how people behave in work place in China.

Not always but often The top person feels insecure.As in China the quality of education is increasing year after year.
You may see a graduate of English and Marketing freshman using all day shredder and having blue fingers.
You may see when asked to educate a subordinate , the total refusal of sharing any knowledge between different workers.
Did the workers forgot that their company paid them for their knowledge to be shared among
the people so they can incubate new ideas critical to development of business?

What is the reason for this.?
Just go to a bus stop, at a rush hour and count the people and count the sits.

Then you already figured out why your company managed in China is unable to pass the wall
of culture to gain the competitive advantage by implementing Knowledge Sharing and Management Practices.

So what is the solution.

It is to force every worker, to put the knowledgein writing that he or she may be reluctant to share in work environment.Ask him or her to write.The earlier versions will hold part of the information but a firm attitude will not give him and her any chance not to comply with your requirement.

Next time don't ask:
Here is Miss Xu , please teach her the job.
The golden rule in management is only ask a question in a form that you are sure to get the reply.

When everything is put in writing.You have the answers and you do not need to ask a question for which the answer is in a file.Just give to another person.Think about next problem.

You have a system, in which any body can be here or not.
You do not depend on a person to manage your business

All you have to do is, don't ever never let a knowledge stays exclusively in a brain of a single person.

So if you do not have this one.
All you need is to go to office next time and ask everybody to fill the forms

If you need my help on how to prepare the form I am here to help you


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