To have rich parents is very good, many of us will think.
You can have any toy you like,dresses that will be the envy of all others.
All you need can be bought from a bike to a car.
Its so nice to show off......
Admiring eyes is a very heart warming and giggling
The parents even no need to be asked for a gift.
When they run after money, and spend all their time for business or work..
they will forget for a kid one dollar money plus 2 hours play with parents is better than 50 dollars and zero minute playing.
The feeling of guilt due to absence will push them.
Push them to give pocket money more than a kid need
Push them to buy useless expensive gifts and clothes.
Yet the absentee parent will accept any demand of the kid no matter
how unreasonable it is.
They try to buy amnesty.
As if amnesty has a price tag.Kill a guy.Pay the price.
Go. Free for ever.....
But it does not go that way.
They fail, but the byproduct is a spoiled kid who is submerged by laziness,,
doubts and lack of direction.
It is the system of : need, try,fail.,succeed which is the essence of education.
Most of the kids of rich parents ,lack this system for protecting them during
uncertain distant future.
We learn things by facing real life situations like,deceptions,hopelessness and crisis of all sort.
To deprive a kid from building his strategic defense shield
under the disguise that I was poor before, I want to give my kid anything I Could not even dreamed of having is a mistake that can be prevented and should be prevented.
The kid will blame in the secret corner of his heart his parents.
Blame of not having the right to have a teacher in parent A role model that he was deprived of having.
A teacher who will guide his kid, for learning how to make hard choices how to navigate around
obstacles.How to manage his life in short.
It is the ability to manage all the difficulties can be transmitted by giving the chance to be the apprentice of a master .
That craftmanship of facing the problems one by one and resolving them needs real life
training that parents should give.
In fact what is a kid?
It is a person who do not know what to do what not to do how to do and how not to do.
He needs the parents to learn this.
If you do not teach them
At early age.
When they are 20s 30s you will blame yourself for not giving them time to let them learn.
And that guilt no money and no gift can buy it.
I as a parent believe, If a parent have a good running business but no time for kids.
Better make the business smaller and spend time with them specially before age of 16 years old.
That's take us to fish and fishing story
We all know technology is the mother of product and not other way around.
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