The barbary of modern times
As more and more countries are sending soldiers to remote
countries following law should be promulgated for the killers
of innocent children:
-The president and member of executive bodies should send 5 young men from their
family to fight poor people
-Every member of legislative body who vote for the war should result in having
the soldiers to be recruited from their vote base proportional to the percentage
of the vote
Who you think you are?
To punish whole populations of some countries who are not different than you and me?
They also have family, children, aspirations and hope for better future
How come some people kidnap the good heart of their citizens.
Yes people in USA , England,Germany , France are as good hearted as the people
from North Korea, Lebanon, Syria,Iran,Somalia, Afghanistan.
They are just poor.
So the rich people decide to black list the poor people
It is disgusting
Devils can do such a thing
Iran made revolution
in 1979
The only one they fought
is Saddam
And Saddam was fought by USA
Anybody can see any sense that now USA
is leading the world
To decide who is the black sheep
And little brothers in Europe follow
The people in those countries need our helping hand
They are our brothers too
The only thing we find to do
When those people have hardly food to eat
Send some good soldiers from country side
Yes some poor people who can not find a job
Become soldiers
And we pour money on the arms
And soldiers all travel like presidents in Helicopter
When in their own cities have hardly money to survive
If I am the father of a son in those countries
While I am hungry and poor
When I do not have any food to eat
I see soldiers using the human intelligence to destroy my children
even if it is unintended
Instead helping me to have water
To have education
When I see they are just fighting in my land
I will definitely make a devil IED
A devil side of technology that is used against my children
Remember 1789?
April 22 11:05 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
When I see those who are wealthy to have the money not only to buy house and car
Also to know the people in Qinghai, Tibet and elsewhere that
those peoples are our brothers too
I am moved and very respectful to the humanity inside them
I just say
We have earthquake every single minute:
-As long as poverty is still with our brothers
And never a government was successful in eradicating
poverty, other than transforming them in to beggars for food
We also need to help our poor brothers by guiding them
in a voluntary social engineering by advising them and incubating
enterprises in their brains
-We have to save every Chinese fathers and mothers from dictatorship
of their rulers which are the single children
As this turn them too much to focus on their child make them selfish
too.They become selfish in their workplace as well
-We have to save the children of migrants to be rejected under the communism
and to become a cast that is rejected of honor,dignity by being out of the
-We have to save our Chinese brothers of having a blue wound on their ass
As their country treat them as the traitors when they acquire foreign
citizenship.We the people are the government , we the people are in government
too.We the people must talk with our brothers in government as they are also
fathers who love their children
They are also wounded in their heart and soul of being a single child parents
We the people must think about a whole generation of single children that
after studying university they are unfit to become independent
They are all our children those with ID card and those who Are without ID cards
are all without single exception our children
We must hug them and start turn them to be productive
Other wise they will be riots anywhere and anytime
The riots were never organized out side or inside
The riots were never started in any other place than in the heart of
people who just decided since nobody listen to me I will
commit suicide by killing a few people before I say bye to this world of
-When China is called Banker of Obama
We let some shady people earning money by selling Chinese Babies
for 50.000 USD
With such policy we incubate a new business called
Children Theft
-We must talk gently and patiently to our brothers in offices
that turn our baby as new currency to sell houses
We must talk , talk and talk
We must repeat our wishes to those who are also confused for not
going out from the nightmare of selfishness
-If there is no changes
I will create a pressure group to ask China to be excluded
From the latest shameful monument of inhumanity called
as it became
a tool
to insult the people
No human
No humanitarian organization
Should be kidnapped
to become a tool
of Barbary
No country should have right
to Hurt one single baby
No country should give it self
the right to call others devils
No humans are devil
The only devil is the one who call others devil
The only Devil is the person who do injustice to others
We must save our brothers to commit such atrocities
We need the money
not for arms
We need our money
for making our babies
a better humans than us
As we the people
We failed
April 20 4:04 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Chinese people Today 1
Here is one of my new friends write me today
You said google me and I did so. I did discover something-some facts like that you are a man who knows 10 languages and has been to 58 countries-but this is superficial. What I have discovered in truth is that you are a VERY INTERESTING MAN! Hey, how can you take life so lightly. I would say you are a remarkable man! Have you ever read a book by Lin Yutang, his the significance of life? I think you are one of the few who still sees the wisdom of traditional Chinese life, and who do enjoy it!
By now young men like me are rushing for stuffs like a handsome car, a decent department in the neibourhood or a villa of one's own or a splendid career-can't say this is a fall-back. But when one attains them, life remains mechanical and vulgar as far as I can see. In this sense, I feel envied of an old man who sips his bear by the roadside and enjoy the street view...But I can not help myself because pursuing gold are the very mainstream today-the mainstream tends to direct my actions but it seems it never bring me to anything like wisdom.
So I suppose it is more important to seek a meaningful life than to follow the mainstream.
Glad to know you, Joe!
I will publish my answer in next posting
I do not see pursuit of material well being and health as an obstacle to wisdom
I think everybody in China is confused
34 years in the context of a an ancient history look like a hammer hit of one second
on the head in 24 hours
When I see how the people rush to help the victims of recent earthquake
I just think those people were able to have enough money to know today
Tibet,Qinhai and all other places.
They have seen the pastoral life of those people happiness and their strong
bodies and happy faces
They realized that the people in any other places are also one of us
They deserve our solidarity and love and care
I just say
Earthquake in China and in any place of the world is every second.
As long as poverty continues and as long as some babies are called black
babies, as long as children are denied identity, as long as our children
in China continue to become object of child trafficking and sold for 50.000 US
April 20 3:34 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
The Key for Future-Belgium
Belgium is my Country
I love Belgium very much
I love its people, the way of life and the art of Living of Belgian common man
I never have any bad feeling about the people thgeir way of life, their kindness
and their ability as humans who treat each other well
I also admire the law makers in their skill and expertise to make laws
and to precise in details on how the law should be applied
Its an exemple to the world
As a small country is the biggest country of the world in constant searching
to promulgate the laws that is following our times in abolishing inequality
between men and women between every citizen
Belgium respect its citizen
Belgium can be teacher to Chinese Law Makers
If they go to Belgium spend one week to understand the philosophy
of humanity in the art of law making
China will solve many constraints in developing the internal core of their country
Chinese send people to learn sciences
Chinese biggest country in the world
Should be humble and learn from Belgium on how
in 2010 no country can behave with mentality of I know all
Yes it is wrong for China
It is wrong for every person
Every country to behave that WAY
The power of communication makes me aperson
who can dare to say me a Mr Nobody to my country
and any country of the world
Yes I am Mr Nobody
I can say you are worng
When I say this
You keep silent
Your laundry become more difficult to wash
As a human I have the duty to say to eny other human
I do not care how they think they call themselves
My Name is: Mr Jack Iknowall
I say to China
You are blocking your future
When you have a bright population
Who is the engine of development
Who is the cause of all your money and toys of a rich country
Are also equipped with brain
They do not write what I write
But they feel it
They filled all offices if Hong Kong
to open buisioness there
And if darkness in administration
Will take back Hong Kong
They will jump in water swim among sharks
And live China
China need a reform of its eduication of its citizens
To make them responsible in civic field
China need to clear
The incoherence
Between the dynamic economy
and its outdated pre 1978 disease
That made Mao dream collapsed
Mao dream was collapsed
As nobody check others
Every office became independent
Slowly the country from glory of independence
failed to
Shame of admitting the mistake in economy
No Mao Chu En Lai and all leaders were good
Only they did not check the danger of
instinct of territory poison every office
every factory
to collapse the system
The governments were good
at this time
Also today the government is even better
Because I just look this country day after day since 1976
I have eyes with camera connected to my brain
I no need statistics
The same disease that collapsed China
In 1960 s
That collapsed China many time in its history
Is deep in DNA
It is alive
in Ministry of Foreign affairs that sells visa for 1500 USD
to any useles and even dangerous people
While the poilice is chasing after the people
who overstayed in China
Ministry foreign affairs
'Every consulate
Their country
is their consulate
they do what they want
They are all not guilty
Victim of uncontrolled instinct of territory
This disease is in every chinese citizens heart
There is no hope to exp[ect them to change
when they work as public servant
The solution is
full training from the primary school
And a course that will retrain every civil servant
This is not your father property
This place existe for all people living in China
If you do not respect to be the tool of my laws
if you divert and kidnap the laws fixed by my legislators
You are punished
Anbd You are out
Other wise China look like
a construction site
While 50 workers are building
another 50 destroying the new builded walls
I have no hope anybody will notice my words
I do hope
at least one person will see it
I am an eternal optimist
April 14 4:31 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | 健康与保健
The reputation of China as success story is known to all.
I have nothing to say to stain this reputation.
But the success has a very weak base.
If not changed China is on the way to collapse it may take many years but it will happen.
To avoid this
Need successful citizens who run to earthquake victims to become volonteers
in avoiding societal suicide.
The question is China have a selfish population
Selfish single child generation
No need to be sociologue for this
Travel by train and buses travel by subway
Take lift in office building
You will see citizens who do not respect others
Who do not consider others as humans
This may have very legitimate reasons
It does not change the fact
That when these citizens are working in public security,working as diplomats
you can add 1000 other professions
They behave like passengers who violate other peoples right
THey cause because of influence of uncontrolled instinct of territory the faith of their citizens
in their rulers is broken
No country can survive even with millions of policemen and censors
If the heart of its citizens are not won
If citizens do not become persons with civic responsability
China will sink again in history
No building can stay intact if the building stand on soft sand
And Chinese citizen selfishness and Chinese single child generation selfishness
Is a time bomb for regression and destruction of the dream of better future
for masses of poors in China
I have written similar letters to different state organs in China
Nobody answered my letters
China became a place that nobody read other people words
Nobody listen others
I also wrote to my Country about problems
of my country
I wrote to Belgium consulate
Nobody answer other than saying you are disturbving me
I wrote to Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Nobody even answer me
They also think their office is a god given temple
And they aare who are paid salary with money of my People
in Belgium
They decided they are the aim
I am just a negligble disturbance
But something happened
The King of Belgium answered me
In China
The Chinese Ambassador in Hong Kong did not answer me
The Public Security in Guangzhou did not answer me
They only called the mother of my son
To tell her
That she violated the law by having baby
Without respecting an old law of Birth Control
And menace her with fine
There is law in China that says
Every citizen in China have right
To have a baby
China is a member of United Nation that accept the right of any child to have an identity
In China Millions of Children who are innocent babies
And Communist Government made of them second class citizens
If this policy is good we shall see ion future
I also wrote to Hu Jin Tao
Chinese people uincluding thoise who work for Security services
Love their children and when they see my son they love him
Yet they stay silent
They also have good heart Chinese are exemple of humanity
They only lost the ability to listen others
I am also a son of China
My son is only a symbol of MILLIONS OF CHILDREN
the only right they have is to have medical treatment
according the WHO health policies
If a country does not respect its own children
If a country ruilers do not listen its own citizens heart ioncluding
the heart of all its police man and police woman
Al his diplomats all its members are victim of one child law
outdated marriage law
That country become millions of republic
Every office ervery ministry every consulate become separate
and unity is just on the form
Not on the basis of what makes a human a human
A human is a person who care other humans
If China become a country like this
All the gold and money and new infra structure
Will not stop China to sink to its past of a country
That had tragedy just becose the instinct of territiry is uncontrolled
This is not a political article
It is an act of social engineering
A society that can not re engineer its own core
A society that can not release from all its internal constraint
Will pass directly from glory to shame without any intermediarty steps
All the history of China and even of every single country
Have one point in common
If the root cause of a problem is not resoplved
We call it history repeat it self
No history is not a person
History and us every citizen is the government
Incoherence should not stay alive
If the sense of greatness close our eyes and ears
We shall all wake up from our day dream
With a feeling of having seen nightmare
China need to reingineer from citizens to up
its core that what makes a Chinese
A person who is full heart for his babies and his family
to become a person who care other babies
We must save the worker of the state
To love his kid
And to punish another kid
A baby is an innocent person
To violate the right of any baby
Even one single baby
Its a poison pill that all of us swallow in small dose
Day after day
To reach the time of collective death
Mr Hu Jin Tao
You are my president too
As you are the grand father of all the children of China
It is time to hug all your grand children without making them first class and second class
I am not afraid to go to jail
I am not afraid to have my visa cancelled
I am afraid only to stay silent
When even one single baby is discriminated
Not in my country
China yes it is myt country too
In even any country in the world
I will not stay silent
This page may be erased
Or blocked in China I put it in many pages in many places inb Internet
Internet can not be blockled
Internet is a door that can open 100o thousand doors every day
to replace filtered doors
It is time for China to return to its core value
which is
An ancient civilization in highest degree of humanity
April 14 3:36 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
The key of better future
These words are valid for every person and every country in the world
The governments have shortcomings and these shortcomings are not originated in the level of management.
Nor they are originated in their level of good governance.
Even the countries that uphold rule of law and principle of good governance yet the short comings like
poverty , discrimination,social disorder, terrorism are rooted in humans that they are the basic of every society.
If the citizens are in lowest level of knowledge and financial despair their expectation is their rulers are like magicians
that they can at last change their desperate situation into a situation that they can also florish like a flower and
live happy life.
When they see this is not hapenning they behave very violently in different degree and put their rulers in danger.
When the rulers feel in danger they may be tempted to use repression
This is a vicious circle and if not changed the countries can sink and disappear from the map.
The need is simple a mobilization of able citizens to influence those at arms length to learn new ways to become
self sufficient citizens
We need to educate masses that a person is not only responsible for him self and his family
He is not only responsible to pay taxes
He is also responsible to others who are nearby
To help them and advise them about every citizens responsability not to be selfish and considere others
in need of help in improving their knowledge about how to work how to be responsible to others
If society is a rotten tooth
Need to cure it from the root
The root is every citizen in country
That need to become multilingual
That need to receive help and advise in no time should be financial only in knowledge sharing and guidance
If a country can not do this regardless of the countries wealthy foreign currency reserve it will sink in the dustbin
of history
April 14 2:57 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | 健康与保健
Walking in the darkness inside us
WWD have two babies!
You will say
What a fertile mother
Yes talking is good
Writing is good too
But turning the ideas into action is the aim
The first is
Hong Kong Worlds Museum
The aim of this museum is to display the creativity of the children of all the countries in the world
Of course others who are not going to be discriminated
When the people will see how colorful is the creativity of all the people of the world they will
not exclude, disgrace and discriminate other people just because of the color of skin, his own religious belief
or the life style he has choosen or the clothes he carries.
We the human beings of the world need just look to our forest and see,
how all trees live together
If we learn something from them
That will be the biggest victory of the world in the last battle for humanity
Hong Kong Institute of Cooperation
The focus will be to inform the business men coming from poor countries
To inform and indoctrinate them that if they can learn to cooperate in the
businesses that include many partners the outcome will be bigger companies
with social responsibility that can win over poverty
April 02 11:21 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
WWD HONG KONG is oficially registered today as a Social Engineering entity.
It will be called WWD HONG KONG any places outside Hong Kong if it has the
chance to exist elsewhere
John F.Kennedy once said do not ask what your country can do for you ask
what you can do for your country
He was assassinated at the young age by the power of darkness and with him gone
the idea that changes from government is not sufficient
To be successful those changes should be made by able people for those
who are at arms length to them
I will start soon the first experiment by consulting with the people who are
in daily contact with discriminated people in their official or volunteering
capacity to set up a program that fits the needs of beneficiaries
March 11 2:24 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Vous venez de
Merci pour votre visite ...
March 09 12:23 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
The Fatal Attraction of Greatness
am going to write about the bad side of greatness.
I think there is no need to write about good side they are millions of
writers out there
I am sure they are more skilled than me about this side.
First of all I think everybody has a cheating mirror when one look to
him or herself
Be it a human a rich man or a leader of a country.
In fact the mirror is not guilty
The guilty is our eyes
Our eyes who are guided not only by the optical parameters of our self image
Deviate us from the reality
If we do not like a person a country or a group of people that we call
them "They"
we shall see them uglier and more horrible than reality.
And if we have naturally like most of us tendency of thinking I am
better, Or my people, Or my country
is superior than others
Our eyes will give us a direction I will even call it in new Computer
terminology a Short Cut
to our self destruction,
When we decide to do something we must be very careful of the result
As the saying goes we should not take our dreams for reality
Any decision we make, be it for self progress, or managing a company
or leading a country or,
promulgating a law with the best of intentions must be subject to the
test of reality, every
single morning if we are busy we should appoint a person to check this
every day.
If not I will give you some facts just from my simple observation
Before that I explain the danger of thinking I am Mr Knows All or by
beating my chest
with pride to say I am the leader of greatest nation of the world just
have a single
A secret and mysterious program of self destruction.With this attitude
if there are enemies
Their best attack will
Drink a tea and relax
and watch.With a smile how the events are folding up
We can not live our life in a world that is changing since 600 000 years
with fixed judgments,fixed policy or fixed laws
Let me give you a few exemple
In Golden sixties Europe was very proud needed to prove to all to see
that we are not the biggest killers of the world and 1000 years of history
of bloods and massacres of Unbelievers,Protestants Jews and Communists and
Gays was like just a car accident due to the sudden appearance of a
thin layer of ice,
without anybody thinking other than, how unlucky we are to have same
accident over and over?
Nobody even dared to think, is there any root cause for such an
occurrence that repeats
it self.
If you are not able to see the time in future
The time will do its work
Day by day
If you do not re evaluate things with time
You get opposite of what you initially intended
There is a country that decided we are the best let us make the laws
who are the most
difficult for foreigners to live in.
They were so confident about their fixed idea in a changing world
They dream about haha we are great
And when they wake up
They found themselves with biggest percentage of foreign population of about 20
percent compared to indigenous people
Double of the percentage of their neighbours
How that can happen?
There is another country
Made revolution
Bring down their emperor
Emperor was only 1 Person
And decided well the population is too big
Let us decide to control it
And made the law for city and educated people to have 1 child only
Everybody agreed that was a sensible law
And nobody dared even to test day by day for hidden consequence
Some years later an observer that is writing these words
find out the result is horrible
The times changed and the time is the only judge that can do its work
unhindered by those who do not look to problem and hidden consequences.
I do not blame for this the parents of single children
I do not blame anybody
Blame is just useless
But not to see the decisions by using the filter of time
Is in fact a dark place
In that dark place it is written the secret code of the deaths
of all the empires
The feeling of greatness carry in it a pill of societal suicide
disappeared only
by the feeling I am the best
Nobody can teach me what to do
Ok after losing the empire ,the end result a whole generation is coming to power
Those who were the victim of loneliness in a family
Grow up to be the little emperors
Used to decide I decide all and you shut up
Are coming to power
And the early signs are there
I decide I know what I am doing
There will be a new version of King is dead, Long Live the King
It will be the King is Dead long live millions of Kings
The fate is just a human creation.
What is the sense of limiting the people who are educated and wealthy
to have several children it will increase the percentage of educated people
There will be a bigger army to fight against poverty
I just remember how people rushed during the earth quake to help the victims
Only a single child can make decisions without any sense
Coming back to Europe
The social security is a very good thing
There is no doubt about it
But yet nobody is asking the question
Why for a civilization that is able
to do beautiful things
And achievements that we are all need to be proud of them.
Why on earth?It is acceptable to have millions of jobless people
I asked this for example to German leaders of all parties that they
came to power
Other countries are also in same situation
Yes it is an old problem
Human imagination is limitless
Why nobody do not find a new solution
Why every morning we do not try another solution
And we stop when we find the solution
The result is this system just manufacture mushrooms on two feet
I am not ignoring that people need security
This need in no way an excuse to produce lazy generations
Only the fatal vertigo of greatness can make the people so blind
When some people are not working
Others are paying for them
All the manufacturing sector is being crushed under heavy taxes and
social contributions
Factories became like ghost towns
They are machines and goods
But workers pass like a ghost hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ammmm heeeeeeeeeeere
Why not asking the jobless people to receive the money they get
on a condition of working in companies
If Europe pay the jobless people
And crash their business men with the burdens only
It became a continent with the people each carrying a cork in the head
The one that we see ob the top of Champagne Bottles
The creative energy, and highly educated side of Europe is in the bottle
Short sighted leaders putting a constraint with lack of testing the rules
of the game by analyzing unpredicted result
Its time to pull the cork
In every country in the world there is one cork
Pull it let the bubbles of creativity pour on our children
Its not only a matter of economic standing it is the essence of life and for
hope for a better future
If people get used to idea why working? is ok to live modestly
They become the seeds of regression.
There is a ancient story
From France
Written by Jean de La Fontaine
About huge mountain
So proud of its greatness
Pretending to give birth to a city
bigger than Paris
Because she was desperately waiting
for a baby
At the end
She just gave birth to a tiny mouse
When human is not humble
And pretend to do something
If he became confident of his greatness
and have the blindness of
He will not fulfill his promise
Une montagne en mal d'enfant
Jetait une clameur si haute
Que chacun, au bruit accourant,
Crut qu'elle accoucherait sans faute
D'une cité plus grosse que Paris.
Elle accoucha d'une souris.
Quand je songe à cette fable,
Dont le récit est menteur
Et le sens est véritable,
Je me figure un auteur
Qui dit: « Je chanterai la guerre
Que firent les Titans au maître du tonnerre. »
C'est promettre beaucoup: mais qu'en sort-il souvent?
Du vent.
TEL +852 2815 7782
FAX +852 2815 7823
Friday, April 30, 2010
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