Walking in the darkness inside us
WWD have two babies!
You will say
What a fertile mother
Yes talking is good
Writing is good too
But turning the ideas into action is the aim
The first is
Hong Kong Worlds Museum
The aim of this museum is to display the creativity of the children of all the countries in the world
Of course others who are not going to be discriminated
When the people will see how colorful is the creativity of all the people of the world they will
not exclude, disgrace and discriminate other people just because of the color of skin, his own religious belief
or the life style he has choosen or the clothes he carries.
We the human beings of the world need just look to our forest and see,
how all trees live together
If we learn something from them
That will be the biggest victory of the world in the last battle for humanity
Hong Kong Institute of Cooperation
The focus will be to inform the business men coming from poor countries
To inform and indoctrinate them that if they can learn to cooperate in the
businesses that include many partners the outcome will be bigger companies
with social responsibility that can win over poverty
April 02 11:21 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
WWD HONG KONG is oficially registered today as a Social Engineering entity.
It will be called WWD HONG KONG any places outside Hong Kong if it has the
chance to exist elsewhere
John F.Kennedy once said do not ask what your country can do for you ask
what you can do for your country
He was assassinated at the young age by the power of darkness and with him gone
the idea that changes from government is not sufficient
To be successful those changes should be made by able people for those
who are at arms length to them
I will start soon the first experiment by consulting with the people who are
in daily contact with discriminated people in their official or volunteering
capacity to set up a program that fits the needs of beneficiaries
March 11 2:24 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
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Merci pour votre visite ...
March 09 12:23 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
The Fatal Attraction of Greatness
am going to write about the bad side of greatness.
I think there is no need to write about good side they are millions of
writers out there
I am sure they are more skilled than me about this side.
First of all I think everybody has a cheating mirror when one look to
him or herself
Be it a human a rich man or a leader of a country.
In fact the mirror is not guilty
The guilty is our eyes
Our eyes who are guided not only by the optical parameters of our self image
Deviate us from the reality
If we do not like a person a country or a group of people that we call
them "They"
we shall see them uglier and more horrible than reality.
And if we have naturally like most of us tendency of thinking I am
better, Or my people, Or my country
is superior than others
Our eyes will give us a direction I will even call it in new Computer
terminology a Short Cut
to our self destruction,
When we decide to do something we must be very careful of the result
As the saying goes we should not take our dreams for reality
Any decision we make, be it for self progress, or managing a company
or leading a country or,
promulgating a law with the best of intentions must be subject to the
test of reality, every
single morning if we are busy we should appoint a person to check this
every day.
If not I will give you some facts just from my simple observation
Before that I explain the danger of thinking I am Mr Knows All or by
beating my chest
with pride to say I am the leader of greatest nation of the world just
have a single
A secret and mysterious program of self destruction.With this attitude
if there are enemies
Their best attack will
Drink a tea and relax
and watch.With a smile how the events are folding up
We can not live our life in a world that is changing since 600 000 years
with fixed judgments,fixed policy or fixed laws
Let me give you a few exemple
In Golden sixties Europe was very proud needed to prove to all to see
that we are not the biggest killers of the world and 1000 years of history
of bloods and massacres of Unbelievers,Protestants Jews and Communists and
Gays was like just a car accident due to the sudden appearance of a
thin layer of ice,
without anybody thinking other than, how unlucky we are to have same
accident over and over?
Nobody even dared to think, is there any root cause for such an
occurrence that repeats
it self.
If you are not able to see the time in future
The time will do its work
Day by day
If you do not re evaluate things with time
You get opposite of what you initially intended
There is a country that decided we are the best let us make the laws
who are the most
difficult for foreigners to live in.
They were so confident about their fixed idea in a changing world
They dream about haha we are great
And when they wake up
They found themselves with biggest percentage of foreign population of about 20
percent compared to indigenous people
Double of the percentage of their neighbours
How that can happen?
There is another country
Made revolution
Bring down their emperor
Emperor was only 1 Person
And decided well the population is too big
Let us decide to control it
And made the law for city and educated people to have 1 child only
Everybody agreed that was a sensible law
And nobody dared even to test day by day for hidden consequence
Some years later an observer that is writing these words
find out the result is horrible
The times changed and the time is the only judge that can do its work
unhindered by those who do not look to problem and hidden consequences.
I do not blame for this the parents of single children
I do not blame anybody
Blame is just useless
But not to see the decisions by using the filter of time
Is in fact a dark place
In that dark place it is written the secret code of the deaths
of all the empires
The feeling of greatness carry in it a pill of societal suicide
disappeared only
by the feeling I am the best
Nobody can teach me what to do
Ok after losing the empire ,the end result a whole generation is coming to power
Those who were the victim of loneliness in a family
Grow up to be the little emperors
Used to decide I decide all and you shut up
Are coming to power
And the early signs are there
I decide I know what I am doing
There will be a new version of King is dead, Long Live the King
It will be the King is Dead long live millions of Kings
The fate is just a human creation.
What is the sense of limiting the people who are educated and wealthy
to have several children it will increase the percentage of educated people
There will be a bigger army to fight against poverty
I just remember how people rushed during the earth quake to help the victims
Only a single child can make decisions without any sense
Coming back to Europe
The social security is a very good thing
There is no doubt about it
But yet nobody is asking the question
Why for a civilization that is able
to do beautiful things
And achievements that we are all need to be proud of them.
Why on earth?It is acceptable to have millions of jobless people
I asked this for example to German leaders of all parties that they
came to power
Other countries are also in same situation
Yes it is an old problem
Human imagination is limitless
Why nobody do not find a new solution
Why every morning we do not try another solution
And we stop when we find the solution
The result is this system just manufacture mushrooms on two feet
I am not ignoring that people need security
This need in no way an excuse to produce lazy generations
Only the fatal vertigo of greatness can make the people so blind
When some people are not working
Others are paying for them
All the manufacturing sector is being crushed under heavy taxes and
social contributions
Factories became like ghost towns
They are machines and goods
But workers pass like a ghost hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ammmm heeeeeeeeeeere
Why not asking the jobless people to receive the money they get
on a condition of working in companies
If Europe pay the jobless people
And crash their business men with the burdens only
It became a continent with the people each carrying a cork in the head
The one that we see ob the top of Champagne Bottles
The creative energy, and highly educated side of Europe is in the bottle
Short sighted leaders putting a constraint with lack of testing the rules
of the game by analyzing unpredicted result
Its time to pull the cork
In every country in the world there is one cork
Pull it let the bubbles of creativity pour on our children
Its not only a matter of economic standing it is the essence of life and for
hope for a better future
If people get used to idea why working? is ok to live modestly
They become the seeds of regression.
There is a ancient story
From France
Written by Jean de La Fontaine
About huge mountain
So proud of its greatness
Pretending to give birth to a city
bigger than Paris
Because she was desperately waiting
for a baby
At the end
She just gave birth to a tiny mouse
When human is not humble
And pretend to do something
If he became confident of his greatness
and have the blindness of
He will not fulfill his promise
Une montagne en mal d'enfant
Jetait une clameur si haute
Que chacun, au bruit accourant,
Crut qu'elle accoucherait sans faute
D'une cité plus grosse que Paris.
Elle accoucha d'une souris.
Quand je songe à cette fable,
Dont le récit est menteur
Et le sens est véritable,
Je me figure un auteur
Qui dit: « Je chanterai la guerre
Que firent les Titans au maître du tonnerre. »
C'est promettre beaucoup: mais qu'en sort-il souvent?
Du vent.
TEL +852 2815 7782
FAX +852 2815 7823
EMAIL: joeg@bpsc-online.com
March 07 2:58 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Point your finger up
The other day in my paper I wrote;
In every (58) country I have been, they do not like government
Today I feel like I promise to go to market to buy some apple
and came back half the way to market empty handed
Today I say to my self ,you lousy guy when you do something
go all the way to the end
Here is may apple:
What is government
It is like me and you a guy called:
Mr Every body by accident of Election, power grabbing or coup d'etat he took the power
He has a privilege if he is civil servant to have life long employment.
Its an outdated concept
We have objects dying at the very tender age
If we have family we like to change it like we do with iphone covers
The cities and countries we have we also like to change it with other city
At the cost of suffocating in a container people dying just for changing
Since everything is changing around us
And we feel dizzy and confused of changes
In a changing times and changing world
There is just one last thing remain unchanged
It is called ourselves
To change every one of us
We need just go to a mirror
Every single one of us
And point one finger to the air
And read this
By the time every one of us read something that remind him or her
Just turn the finger to our self
and Scream very strongly
Its meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
If every one of us have the courage to do this
No one
I promise no one
will blame the government
The government is Mr every body who just become Mr somebody without losing his own
side of Mr every body
If he was raised in a 3 person family
and parents just let him kick other kids
in game park and he saw his parents kicking
pushing others to get on the bus
Treat others like a piece of detritus
When Mr Every body junior
Become Mr somebody senior
He will make policy like the selfish kid when
he is Mr somebody and will not listen others
I ask you Mr and Mrs everybody of this country
You have no right to blame your Mr somebody
as he is like Mr everybody
Imagine you are in a country that every father cheat
Cheat his customer or supplier
Cheat his wife by selecting 1,2,3,4,5,6 wives and 1 to45 girlfriends
Yes he is like Mr everybody
If he makes money
Every body will praise him
And when he is in government
What do you expect this Mr somebody to do?
Can he be different from Mr every body?
He will cheat his country
Imagine a country
That father teach children
We are better, we are higher, we are good and other are lousy
He teach them that others are our enemy since 5000 years
Others are arrogants
Others we smile to them if we have our hands in their pocket
touching their greenbacks
And if a Mr everybody in this country become Mr Somebody
And he is the president in this country of all somebodies and every bodies
What do you expect him to do?
If others became even the father of their own children
They will call others children
They will call them black
They will let others who loved their country as much as their own
To suffer
Others will accept everything that includes death, torture, exclusion
Heart disease
And others will win
Just because they hugged a child and said
That is my son
I will go to any extent
Support insult , injury, exclusion and any thing
Because I am responsible for my son
And since instinct of survival is
the mother of all the laws
No laws can beat the law of life
If the laws were able to eliminate the life
The humans were gone long time ago
That Mr everybody who was brought up in hating others
When he become Mr Somebody
He will say others eat very bad food and they are discussting
He will put them in a train send them to burn in a factory called freedom makes you free
He will take the children calling them illegals put them in a plane beat them punch them
and kick them
He will tell them
Welcome to my county
You wanna come in
Ok I tell you what to do
Go out first
Walk 3000 miles
You see a window at the end of 3000 miles
Show your passport
give a photo
wait 8 hours if you pay 3 dollar
wait 24 hours if you pay 2 dollars
if you pay 1 dollar you wait 2 days
if you pay five
I know a friend
you go to him
He will give you everything you like
Just pay pay and pay
You know it is not our fault
We were poor before
we have been cheated
I tell you revenge is a sweet dish when you wait long
and eat it cold
Please do not talk about our tradition
respect the fathers
It is just a sales gimmick
Please forgive us
You and us we all have kings and queens before
But you have guts
You just took them
When they were arrogant
and bad
put them on a table
And let the knife cut off their heads
Since that day your fathers are fair
Your children are outspoken
And do not give a dime to show off
Show off no father has the right to be unfair
Even they lose their life
They say this
But we are silent every where
Thats why we think you are arrogant
I know you like us
And when you like somebody
You just forgive him
You do not point finger on yourself?
Well that's up to you
Please do not point your finger on only one country in the above situations
They are many countries I will never write names
If you ask me
I will let you sign a clause of confidentiality.
If you sign
I will just whisper the names of all the countries I loved
Loved like every child I have.
We can never open an university of honesty
Honesty can be learned in every family
If every family open 1, 2 or 3 student classes
exclusively for their own children
Nobody will blame the government anymore
As every body will know at last
Government is just like us
TEL +852 2815 7782
FAX +852 2815 7823
EMAIL: joeg@bpsc-online.com
March 04 4:12 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
The Nightmare of Peace
Hate,Discrimination,Genocide,Wars are human creations.
And the longing for peace is the hope
of every common man.
If they can not be stopped.
Just for one reason.
Prevention become a very BIG BUSINESS.
The danger become source of income
for millions if not hundreds of millions
of people
Like everything
The meaning of prevention which is presented
to be a tool for a noble aim of peace
Make a coup and take over the place of aim.
The the tool for aim of peace
becomes the aim
The tool that I believe to protect me
My Shield against real or virtual danger
Fix the agenda
The tool decide war and peace
The tool in peace is hungry
It is like a gun you buy
To defend your self
It has a cannon toward your enemy
But it is a dummy one
In reality it acts like shooting your enemy real or of imagination
And this gun does not have a system
To protect the victims not the one of adverse group
This gun
Make victim the soldiers of his own army
It makes victim people in the buses of the republic of suicidal shield
It does not care people blowing up in the hotels
The energy necessary for survival of this tool
Is to perpetuate the war
Let us be fair
The adverse party
Never miss the opportunity
to join the fiesta
Hey come come
Forget about what is written in TV or Radion
Come here
We are going to teach you the mother of all businesses
You also pretend to defend your side of the cake
I pretend to work for my side of the cake
And than forget about useless young and innocent people sacrificed
for the sake of our good retirement
Look all of our big hero s when they are retired
They buy farms have money
They can buy the best real estate property
Blood money have no smell of innocents
The only problem some of them need to wait long time
to pass from glory to shame without transition
Universal Justice has its own law
its own timetable
No need to anybody to do something
It always came when everybody think it will never come
It has a heavy hand
Its a mystery to understand why
So in the hand of income generators
Hate,genocide, Wars become all a marketable
Highly attractive
Because there is no price control for it
Just need a good sales team to sell it
National interest ?
As there are a very big number of people working in prevention
of terror,anti discrimination, war.
Every body become merchant of death
I imagine If I am a leader of a country
No need to give names
All countries who have service and product economy
In anti terror, Defence industry have same problem
If tomorrow I am a leader in such country
I am naive like this writer
I am also under illusion that there is no killers rapists in my prisons
And I want to stop the wars and hate
From the moment I intend to express this intention
That I want to end the hate and genocide and wars
I declared this in TV
Short time later I receive a call from my advisers for a very urgent matter
And they come to meet with a very tick file
And give me the exact numbers of how many people, my people!
will lose jobs.
And watching with horror the figure
I call Mr A
He is a friend
He is also a president like me in another country.
I call him
-Hey Mr A I need your help
-There is a danger that in a world of peace
millions of my citizens will be hungry
-We just play C&M game (cat and mouse in coded words)
-From today we only use encrypted phone line
-We set on CODE S plan ( s for simulation)
-Both of us are free to blame disgrace each other
Ok my dear emperor of evil I will always love you as a savior
of millions of family heads who proudly bring food to their home
by putting in danger their life to protect sacred mother land
I love you bring Priscilla to Switzerland our secret chalet
Its a bad place to hide money but still good place to hide
from evil eyes
Tell her I miss her cookies.
Sorry My Sweet A TV crew is here I have to make a declaration;
-Mr President, What do you think of Mr A Declaration to
day that he wants to produce seeds for his potato seeds
And he does not accept to buy recycled seeds anymore
I say:
-Only the empire of evil can have such an intention
I am blinking lightly my left eye
to those who can live happily in their home with their family
Let President A does not buy our product
I have two good friends that have a good industry as well
This world is live and let live world
Let them also bring good income to their people
Suddenly I feel hot
My clothes are soaked
I am sweating
Thanks God it was Nightmare
I am not president
I am in a lousy hotel room
I should not eat so much food in evening
But I am a fat boy I like eating
Those flowers are so lousy
The Tata Tea I bought is so delicious
I am sure in your mind you are asking me this question:
-Mr Joe ! If you were such a president of the nightmare of Peace!
What will you do?
I will answer:
I was lucky to born with my right hand on my heart
Circumstances may sometimes took this arm on my right side
But my right arm has a built in memory
It will always go back to where it belongs
I can tell you by putting my hand on my heart.
-I swear God , If I were President of my Country
-I will perpetuate the hate,war and Genocide just to bring
food to all those who are depending on my policy to feed their children.
If I were the President of my Nightmare of Peace
I will tell you
Let very poor people to blame me as I am their only hope
But Hey Business Men!
Do not lose direction
I do the politics
You do business
Just give jobs to my people
Every one of you is president
President of A Cofee Shop
President of a small country that every one
of you have around you
If you focus on creating new business men,
that will create new business men ...
There will be jobs for my defense
and security industry bread earners
If you do that
You know me
I am also a father
I do not like to send my soldiers to die
Sorry I have no choice
If you know how I feel older
If you know my heart
Believe me
You will not envy me.
This story is a fictional writing
Any similarity with existing people is just a very strange coincidence.
The aim is
To let people thinking
Old problems cannot be solved with failing solutions
All the people are educated to respect others
Not to hurt even a bug
Saving our nature
Yet old solutions are obsolete
We must find the root causes
If root causes are eliminated
We can have a life of peace that we all want
March 02 8:46 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
What is WWD
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Joe Gariplerden
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February 26
What is WWD
Why I start WWD?
In those times of economic hardships,people are losing jobs.
Those who are discriminated are finding themselves in more precarious situation
As saying goes when money missing couples disintegrate
Minorities are shown in time of hardships with fingers as if they
are the architects of crisis
i have friends in Istanbul of Jewish descent inhabitants of the land
since 517 years saying people do not want to deal with us just because
we are Jewish.
The whole middle east becoming an indignant mother living the compulsive
disease of infanticide.
A process started in 1918.
The land like an indignant mother killing one after another its own children.
If one mother will kill one child what every one will think?
Genocide can happen any time anywhere to any people
If any one tell me
No my people do not kill others
I answer
Look to your Jails
Every country has its own killers
How a mother can kill her own children?
Started with Armenians whose victims do not have monuments
in the land they were massacred
In those lands
My grandfather who told me his experience
My Grand father lost 20 members of his family of 23
When trying to escape among the Armenians
The city of VAN following the river called ZAP
As a young man witnessing the death of his family
My grand father lived his life
Like a man who never knew how to talk
He is the one who let me learn 2 languages reading and speaking
before I even set foot in primary school
If I am a polyglot today
I ow this to ethnic diversity with which I was surrounded
After Armenians Kurdish people, Shiites,Sunnis,Assyrians,Chaldeans,
Yazidis all were exiled from ancestral Lands
Leaving behind their most sacred Holly Temples
They are enriching now Australia Canada Europe with their skills
Inherited from ancient civilisation
In those Middle East while the monuments of the ancestors of those people
are displayed with pride, their children are kidnapped, hold at ransom, their worship places are desecrated, and their daughters are raped.
Concretely what Can I do?
There is no need to another charity organization soliciting donations
They are in good number and doing admirable job.
The governments are in most countries trying their best but yet
They look like a tired father coming home late at night and assaulted by
his many children
Not knowing to whom to pay attention
While laws, regulations and anti discrimination NGO s are doing their best
yet there is a need
A need that every business man and investor can do modestly in his own corner
We the people who can turn the idea into dollars and cents
We are no different than a father who only spoiled his children with money
without giving a time to hug him and to be with him
We the business man must start a system like a father to be with his children
to be with our fellow humans
Money can not replace a human that respect a wounded human and talk to him eye to eye
No money can replace this
I decided to do this
as a role model
Hong Kong is the smallest of the all The Empires
But yet the strongest
In Hong Kong
Government is the best of its kind
Anybody going to their office to do something
Is received quickly and his inquiry is treated
as if every civil servant is a business man
Hong Kong people even with their good rule of law well intentioned
rules and regulation have problems
Accommodation is hard to get for common people
Young people can not marry and move out to build a family
Many people like in all China sacrifice a lot
Sharing the meager space and resources for the sake of good of their country
I just say
We do not need to wait hand in pocket touching the dollars bills no matter how small
we know how to make money
It is our duty and our civic obligation to help discriminated people
Like an Ancient Chinese saying
Do not give other a fish if he is able bodied
Just teach him how to fish
You do not need for this even 30 dollars
All you need is sit with him smile to him encourage him
for 30 minutes show him how to start
You will feel like seeing a wounded bird flying to live a life of every bird proud of his own dignity
We from grass root must help those who are unable to cope with burden
of being dependent on others
Its a matter of Human dignity
I start this alone
Record all on video
I ow to China a lot
They filled my half empty brain with
I have been coming to China since 1976
I will be 60 years old soon
I want to say thank you to China
I want to help young people in Hong Kong by guiding them
to become business men and women so they can become richer
to be able to have their own house
They all had one of the best of education in the world
Because high density of population can not let them to prosper
Hong Kong is the most friendly place of the world for those
who come and start business.
The sky is the limit for them
I also do this for living I help others from all corners of the world
to come here start business provide employment to highly skilled labor
They will jump start to become Global Player
Because I am business man
I wanted to avoid any bad mouthing that I do this to steal donations
I designed my project on no donation required basis
I will be successful and I will prove
Every body is the same\
Nobody should look down on others
Provided given a chance
Everybody can become another person
Words are nice\
But action is like a beautiful symphony
That goes straight to our soul
Priority is as follows
Physical disability
Early retired people
Philippinos, Indians,Pakistanis, Nepalis,Africans,
And young Hong Kong workers
People who think their education level is low
I will show them only man can limit his own progress
I want to show then
How to start business how to market it how to bring in money with orders
How to learn a language quickly
I do not want to open school
I only show ways
Once this is successful I will try to open branches in other places
Monday the name will be registered in Hong kong
I really love Hong Kong people I have made videos about them
I also wrote down the story of what you read today from beginning
It is here:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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