April 01
Hong Kong Institute of World's Cooperation
Most of the countries problems are attributed to their governments
If anybody feels qualified to judge others I let them to do this without
There is all kind of freedoms
They may benefit of freedom to be a qualified judge.
My problem is not to judge
My problem is the problems that many talk shout blame yet no solution
is anywhere near us.
The idea is
The people in every country are humans
The humans qualities and shortcomings reflect naturally in their leaders
If we admit the leaders just landed from another planet
We may consider opening a front against people from outer space
The poverty of people, the poverty of countries are the result
the poverty of knowledge of individuals
If the poor countries business men, doctors, engineers, writers, artists are
influenced with the idea that cooperation between many individuals
can result in big entities that can perform beyond any expectation.
We do not need classrooms, schools and teachers for this
It should be an open space where digital resources are available
for those who are still active in working life yet unaware their activities
can grow tremendously if they iclude other people each specialized
in a part of the main activity
4:47 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Organizations
March 30
Theory of Black Hole Google Twitter Facebook and China
Again people are just writing insulting disgracing China
Who is China?
China is 1,5 billions of people
If China was a heavy duty truck
With the load as population
And even one will drive this gigantic truck
You need to live 600 years to see it moving
Ok I live you alone to enjoy to be the judge
Today I am also not happy that I have to travel
between Guangzhou and Hong Kong
I want to leave beautiful people of Guangzhou,Lhasa,Kunming,Dali,Lijiang,and if I write the
name of places I have been
I need to fill several pages
I spare you from this
I will make a page in txt format put it in FAQ folder
Ok I hate to be in crowded forums
China is the people
They have a very big problem in the hand
From 1948 till 1978
They had many many children
Most grown up in schools
As mothers and fathers were building the country
In those times
To build a Rail way from a to be losing 150 000 people
was not something bad
It was like a price today in money
At those time to catch one single criminal it was worthily
to kill 10000 innocents
So China government today is just people like you and me
All were parents of single child
They lost control of their children
Many of their children can not fight the real life situation
Can not marry can not survive to find a job buy a house and marry
China is under shock
China became like a spoiled child who lost his parents
and do not know how to move home
Chinese are not monsters
The love of children in China is so strong
Stronger than any country I have been
I did not know that
I learned this thanks to Jeremy every day when I walk with my son
many people will cross the street
will make u turn
Chinese people are example of humanity
They are like a rare flower
that grows only in one mountain in Himalayas
My beloved Chinese people
does not need bashing
Unless you are a rare flower killer
Just go on
I also have issues with China
But in no way I will fight the people who gave me
a beautiful son
If tomorrow I will leave
My heart will stay here
I will be the first man who live without heart
We human being
We need to search the culprit inside us
Inside us hides all criminals of the humanity
The whole world is crisis
The reason is not in killing insulting fighting blaming
The reason is
Inside every country
Inside every army
Inside every police forces
Hides the real terrorists
They take our salary
They dress their uniform
They are all victims
We must find the real problem
We must define and redefine everything
Once we find the problem
We just think like this
If I am in a forest
There is a horrible mushroom
growing there
I can beat the mushroom
the seeds will still be there
Mushroom will grow again and again and again
If you ask a gardener to kill the mush room
He will make sure to come again again and again
If you want to kill the mushroom
You clean the soil
If the mushroom will not have a soil
it can not grow
All the countries in the world
Became the slaves of the slavery of modern times
And it seems we all like to use a gardener who takes or money
time after the time
We are living an age we praise the people who sells us a product
and keep their hand in our wallet
it is very in
We praise those who after being paid for the product
Keep pulling the money
from the wallet
These people are so nice
they force us to join to charity by sending the money to them first
and give that money for free
How about charity is also in black hole
How about
Any person
Who is not respected in his dignity
Instead paying millions of jobless
Sending them to all poor country
and pay them if they go to those countries
and teach their skills
Marry there
and increase the diversity
In that way
we shall not have anymore fake jobless
The fake one if they do not like to travel
They will be like a miracle a job owner
Some will refuse to go
They will become entrepreneur of new age as they will soon disappear in west
And the rest not only they will help our brothers in poor countries
they will educate the poor on how to start a better life when one have a better education
3:55 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Theory of Black Hole ===TERRORISM===
i am not surprised that you are lost
[11:02:33] Joe in Guangzhou: \you think
[11:02:39] Joe in Guangzhou: who is joe
[11:03:06] Joe in Guangzhou: is he the one I knew all these times i spent with him
[11:03:18] Joe in Guangzhou: i pity you
[11:03:24] Joe in Guangzhou: you just think
[11:03:31] Joe in Guangzhou: what the f... is this man
[11:03:51] Joe in Guangzhou: did he lose his mind
[11:04:03] Joe in Guangzhou: many think i am already good for mad house
[11:04:13] Joe in Guangzhou: i am laughing all the way to the b....
[11:04:28] Joe in Guangzhou: I already wrote an article
[11:04:33] Joe in Guangzhou: in 2007
[11:04:39] Joe in Guangzhou: that everybody
[11:04:43] Joe in Guangzhou: can change
[11:04:52] Joe in Guangzhou: like changing the clothes in a movie
[11:05:05] Joe in Guangzhou: I have done this already once
[11:05:30] Joe in Guangzhou: from 1974 till 1977
[11:05:39] Joe in Guangzhou: i gave an image of my self
[11:05:46] Joe in Guangzhou: which was true image
[11:05:50] Joe in Guangzhou: than i had a son
[11:05:53] Joe in Guangzhou: in 1977
[11:06:01] Joe in Guangzhou: his name is Samuel
[11:06:08] Joe in Guangzhou: Suddenly I was afraid
[11:06:21] Joe in Guangzhou: How I am going to feed him raise him
[11:06:35] Joe in Guangzhou: When Jeremy arrived
[11:06:49] Joe in Guangzhou: I had to be busy with daily care share with you
[11:06:53] Joe in Guangzhou: all the burden
[11:07:07] Joe in Guangzhou: Later I saw slowly you already trained your self
[11:07:15] Joe in Guangzhou: to be the best mother
[11:07:31] Joe in Guangzhou: I am having the best son (each son is the best)
[11:07:39] Joe in Guangzhou: I just thought
[11:07:43] Joe in Guangzhou: I am mortal
[11:08:00] Joe in Guangzhou: The quality of life of Jeremy and Katrina
[11:08:13] Joe in Guangzhou: will go down if I say bye bye to this world
[11:08:24] Joe in Guangzhou: I gave my self an order
[11:08:33] Joe in Guangzhou: I said to my self
[11:08:39] Joe in Guangzhou: Your mission is simple
[11:08:53] Joe in Guangzhou: You have to make a business who will live after you
[11:09:21] Joe in Guangzhou: So Jeremy Alex and Samuel and their mothers will be proud of you
[11:09:33] Joe in Guangzhou: You also have a duty to humanity
[11:09:58] Joe in Guangzhou: That welcome you in 5 continents and teach you that all humans are born equal
[11:10:10] Joe in Guangzhou: No matter how bad the conditions
[11:10:18] Joe in Guangzhou: If someone give them just a hand
[11:10:23] Joe in Guangzhou: Show them the way
[11:10:43] Joe in Guangzhou: The sky is the limit for our brothers and sisters of all over the world
[11:11:25] Joe in Guangzhou: You have to teach those who were not lucky to have your eyes, your feet, your hand that makes you love anybody
[11:11:33] Joe in Guangzhou: that includes a killer and rapist
[11:11:53] Joe in Guangzhou: It is not you job to judge insult and disgrace somebody
[11:12:08] Joe in Guangzhou: no matter how much he was bad in his actions
[11:12:32] Joe in Guangzhou: That humanity is not just for having fame an act of narcissism
[11:13:06] Joe in Guangzhou: It is a wise approach to learn from a human who is brother
[11:13:22] Joe in Guangzhou: who put shame not only on his family and his country
[11:13:31] Joe in Guangzhou: He puts shame on whole humanity
[11:13:43] Joe in Guangzhou: So he is also one of us
[11:13:59] Joe in Guangzhou: I decided to put the terrorism in black hole
[11:14:07] Joe in Guangzhou: Russia
[11:14:11] Joe in Guangzhou: Sri Lanka
[11:14:16] Joe in Guangzhou: Xinjiang
[11:14:22] Joe in Guangzhou: Middle East
[11:14:24] Joe in Guangzhou: Iran
[11:14:29] Joe in Guangzhou: Lebanon
[11:14:35] Joe in Guangzhou: Afganistan
[11:14:39] Joe in Guangzhou: Pakistan
[11:14:50] Joe in Guangzhou: Israel
[11:14:51] Joe in Guangzhou: Saudia
[11:15:01] Joe in Guangzhou: On all these countries
[11:15:06] Joe in Guangzhou: They just use terrorism
[11:15:13] Joe in Guangzhou: to make money
[11:15:25] Joe in Guangzhou: If their intention was to solve the problem
[11:15:43] Joe in Guangzhou: the problem was long time ago was resolved
[11:15:54] Joe in Guangzhou: They did not find the root cause
[11:15:58] Joe in Guangzhou: If they found
[11:16:11] Joe in Guangzhou: The problem was resolved long time ago
[11:16:22] Joe in Guangzhou: If somebody do not believe me
[11:16:31] Joe in Guangzhou: Just ask me
3:27 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 27
Letter to Mr Hu
Dear Mr Hu
Since 13th April 2009 I became Chinese in my heart
I have a son that I called Jeremy.
Jeremy was a prophet in ancient times
His main quality was his ability to see the future
It is said that he even predicted 40 years earlier what will happen
40 years later.
\Since I am the son in law of China now
I also used my theory of Dark Hole to find the deep cause of repeating
events of Chinese history
The Great Wall
This monument is the symbol of Chinese thinking
Today everybody is very proud of this monument
I always do not look to what everybody is doing
It is crowded
I prefer to go alone and think from distance
Chinese people love babies and the family
When you have a very deep love for your children
Which is an admiring quality for any living creature
It is also a state of mind absorbed in emotion full of instinct
We become like a wild bear caring her little babies in mountain
If an innocent person pass nearby without even noticing the bear
The bear will attack and kill the passer
We do not kill the bear for this
We just build park
Put barber wire
And make sure that Mrs Bear and her family both are safe
The next thing I thought
Why so many people both inside China and outside China
talk bad about China
I do not accept the idea that China is a state where the
civil servants are all corrupt
If a government is corrupt
How one can explain the fast improvement?
Than I find out
China suffer from same problems in many countries
Yet our rulers here are blamed
I do not think the rulers are guilty
The problem in China is same like all countries in the world
When we ask people to hold a job
We give them full trust
And we live them alone
They get used to the place of work
Their territorial instinct overtake their brain
They behave as if they own the place
And they are kings
It is the same in restaurants of the trains all over China
The train workers in the train
are 0.0005 percent of the people on the train
They just book a table for themselves
they take 10 percent of the table
They think this is their train
They decide what they want
If the bureaucracy in China give bad face to China
It is of this instinct of territory
When the human is confident of his immunity as a group
He innocently divert the good intention that is the cause
if his existence
In the beginning there is no slightest of bad intention
If they are left alone they overtake the place of their
job givers
Which are the people who are supposed to serve
So they decide that they will never answer a phone
And if they want to talk to a citizen they call
They never give their name, their id number, their
phone number and their position
If instinct of territory is not controlled
China will lose its position of power
The love for family and children
is necessary for us
But if left uncontrolled
It becomes a danger for all the country
I ask you to study the model of ICAC
in Hong Kong
I also ask you to study
How Hong Kong
Can control the instinct of territory of its civil servants?
I do not think the civil servants in any province in China
are worst than in Hong Kong
They are all the same
The difference I can explain it in a simple way
In Hong Kong when they cook food on fire a dish
Somebody watch it that it does not burn the house
In China in America in Israel and in many countries
in the world
They leave the custom officers,military officers
security services officers alone
Without putting clearly
a system that it will check day by day hour by hour
that the workers even innocently do not change the course of actions.
I am a human being I worry for all the people and all the children
of the world
I have one last suggestion
China changed it self
With all the people of the world coming here
to study work buy the products
China ow its population
To have a very good relation with every country
Even the smallest and poorest
I want to open a school in Hong Kong
Why in Hong Kong
Because Hong Kong do not treat a foreigner
as a suspicious foreign agent
And China Mainland do.
I ask you to continue the reform of Gaige Kaifan
by taking from the hand of bureaucracy the chains
that limit the creativity of business man
You can also study Hong Kong Laws for this
I feel people are losing heart
It is the duty of the leaders today
to Act like our leaders that they open China
Let a few mosquito comes in from the window
a lot of air new air can come
To be successful in economy
Is not enough
History is full of empires that they go down
from the glory of success to the shame of
History does not repeat it self
We humans all over the world repeat the same mistake
We do not like to blame ourselves
So we blame the history
China is a country that ow her new rising
To all the people of the world
She has to say thank you to all the people
of the world by opening
An Institute of Worlds Problem Resolutions Center in Hong Kong
Why in Hong Kong China
Because in this country one no need to travel to every country to know them
They come here
And we can meet them
And make a list of their problems
And find the common points
And find the root cause
And help them to resolve their problems
If we help them not with donations not with lost investments
If we help them how to become richer with their own products
They will thank China by using their increased financial standing
to buy more products and services in China
It is not only pure economics
It is also very sensible
As our president who opened our country
Only if you know the people
And if you know their language
You can make sensible judgments about them
China is a place to work talk learn from all the people of the world
And it will be place for museum of the world
Where creativity of all the people of the world will be displayed
I am writing this to you
When at borders Policemen started to suspect the foreigners
When in forums anti foreigner feelings are left intact
China do not need to go back to boxers revolution or Cultural revolution
Many Chinese people still wait to have a good life
They should not lose their hope for future
If they do
\China will wait another 50 years to start all over the unfinished work
which is
They should be no more poor people in China and all over the world
If they are poor people every country in the world
It is just we do not know yet why they are poor
If we do not know why
It is normal we can not change their life
If they are poor people
The problem is inside every person
And nobody from up can change it
It is only possible to change it
If we start we citizens to empower the others
A few others around us
Without a law
Without being pushed or forced
Just because we believe it is our duty to help those
with advise and guidance who are around us
8:03 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 22
Jack & Jacob
Jack Newfoundland and Jacob Holly land are young tycoons
They are the new generation of wealthy people
They became rich in IT revolution
They knew how to turn an idea to about 800.000.000 USD each
Of course they can not live like a common man
Bought armored car,armored windows armored doors
And hired security guards
Paid for them and their equipment,
In hard currency
They trusted the angel inside guards
But they ignored that inside every human being hides
the little devil
The security guards now
fill for them the agenda
To whom to scold,to whom to smile, to whom to fight
To whom to give arm to whom not to give
The tycoons do not travel anymore
The guards do all for them
International trips
Executive jets they own
receive a medal from manufacturers
of aircraft of the year in term of
flying hours
During the signing ceremony of signing
of new purchase contract
As the guards said we shall not spare
any effort
To fulfill our duty.
Sorry I forget
The tycoons are seen last in an auction
for charity
there is mortal danger
Nobody thought them
Do not play with fire!
Like when you cook a food (give a job to someone)
You put the pan on the fire.
You do not lock the door and leave for holiday
Jacob and Jack are not alone
We are all Jack and Jacobs
We forget to watch our watchers
As we are all confused
When we are ministers,presidents,legislators
or simple citizens
We all share the common neglect we fail
our duty to be diligent
We are all confused
We are submerged by emails
We are all confused
We forget
Every problem have a solution
We have 1000 things in mind
But have hardly time for one
12:08 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 21
WHY the problems like
Israel Palestine
Middle East
I let you to add millions of old problems
That Can not be resolved
Let us see the common point among different old problems:
The common points is:
Every body is wrong about
definition of problem
about the real cause
But in all those old problem
People are just fighting killing blaming
each other for consequences
Forgetting that each party is sending their
children to kill other peoples children
They all forgot the basis of humanity
which is you should not kill another
person even a single person
This is the number one law of all the laws
The law that distinguish a human from animals
When you do not respect that law
No matter how legitimate is your reason
No reason can justify
to hurt even one single humane in his dignity
When anybody in any country
in any position
pretending a noble reason to KILL
He and his country is condemned to live
a life of hell in this world
If you think I am dreaming
I say
Just read history
Most of nations if not all
Have a history full of same tragedies
over and over again
Only a correct identification and definition of the problem
and a realistic definition of root causes
allow a solution
3:08 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
New Chart of Work for humanity
The payment should be conditional
-If they join a school on full time
-If they work as apprentice in a company that
is crushed under taxes or social contubition
-They should not have more holidays than workers
Life time job is a punishment both for workers
and citizens it is lose lose situation
Every 3 years they should exchange their job
with a person from private sector for a year
Private sector
Workers should apply to work a year to replace
a civil servant in a job equivalent o his qualifications
For citizens who act one hour a week to guide and coach
-No freedom to haters and those who blame others
Just express your suggestions for changes
Everybody should choose when to retire and when
to stop to study and when to marry
No age limit for freedom of choice of life
The first responsibility of citizen should
be to help others in knowledge sharing,inducing
others for self improvement
2:55 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
How to deal with Economic Crisis? English/Chinese
English Chinese traditional simplified
How to deal with crisis
Do you have idle time?
Start several business
and do social charity without Money.
Where ever you will be Whatever you will do if you can give 30 minutes
a week to others ?
I am starting a small experiment that will allow me to write a small book
I will share my determination and my beautiful impression in the eyes full of emotion
Yes we are all humans and only the age of confusion made our eyes misty
lack of time to improve ourselves cause us blindness
I am trying to do social cell therapy to awake the humanity there is inside every single human being
I want to declare April 13 prisoners day
Every year for 30 days people who wish
to visit prisoners who never receive visitors
To talk to them human to human
To understand what hapened to them
If we do not listen to them our societies will not avoid in future
to some who will have the same fate
I want to declare every Sunday or Saturday or Friday Happy Human Family day.Every family must iinvite an orphan or a lonely elderly to
join the family
Thank you for accepting my model that intended to declare
sphere of influence within 500 meter around me
If many people will just change themselves first
And influence 500 m around
We shall be like cell phones we shall be cell humans
Slowly slowly we shall cover the world 500 m by 500 m
When we shall do that
Even it takes 300 years
The world will be without poverty
The world will be with freedom expression that does not allow
insult,disgrace,against other countries
It is the duplicity
To have diplomats making shameful business against the law
of their own countries
Yet allow their country websites are used to insult
another country with whom they have peaceful relation
We lost our sense of honesty
Thats why our governments are just like us
No more no less
All the news and talks are all socially engineered
To mislead the good harted people
Humanity tried discord,opposition,political talk,wars,repression
demonstration, news fabrication most of the news are like movie set up
We fabricate the news in mind than bring the cameras
Than when director makes sign
start to happen
In our action we shall not allow any body to make politics
point finger on others blame others
We are just help people to tell us their dream in business
We shall incubate enterprises those who are left out
Person by person
Cell by cell
When they will see progress
They will rush
To pay us back
they should do the same
We want the master apprentice relation is reborn again
WWD 的主旨在于提升自我。
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电子邮箱: joeg@bpsc-online.com
1:36 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 17
Theory of Black hole Case:United Nations
United Nations was build to carry the humanity
It looks like a child who received 2 dollars to buy some meat and went
to supermarket
And bought candies for it self and did not even cared to bring a receipt
It is a perfect example if left unchecked they behave like soldiers of operas
When they are sent to war zone
To protect the civilian population of being massacred
They built a bunker to watch with their binoculars how is butchering
They use more their video recorders to have a horror movie
The problem the liquid isr blood no fake red paint does not even bother them
If we put the united nations in black hole
And think what is the root cause of total ineffectiveness of United Nations
It STARTED with well intention
In that village of UN they are a few hundred traders
5 of them are rich or they think they are rich
They make a law for themselves
In that law it is written
All is forgiven to us
And they say to other small traders
You why you dress green trouser like me?
You bad guy
The little guy in green trouser asks:
-You also have green trouser don't you see?
The big shout giggle his fat belly he says
I am an overweight musketeer you shut up little bug!
I do not mean to hurt any superpowers with this history
My aim to explain in a simple way
If you do something good
And you stop your watch
You do not tear the papers of your calendar
I come to see your office
And see the date
I think
Oh my god they are all left
I wonder who withdraw the money for the paychecks!
I will run away from that office
Thinking the ghosts are even in our banks
I understand now
Why banks are full of figures in their accounts
But money is missing
I was passing the other day a bank clerk was out
he was suggesting I receive a gift a magic eraser
I can erase my credit balance in the bank book
Luckily for me
My balance is not big in my bank account
Other wise
I was going to stay there long to erase the zeros
I am happy to have the same balance as others now
The only difference
I did not need to erase it
Honesty is necessary for those
The punishment of missing the passing time
Is very unfair
If I start to do something noble
And every body greets me for being right
Next time
I will stay in office and follow failing calendar pages
If you do not check the time
And you close your eyes
You downgrade your seats in Time Airlines
From Virtue Class
to Sinner Class
When a cause let you decide a consequence
If the cause disappears
And you use the consequence to earn a few dollars more
Just look back
How many people failed down
It should be the rule
for every person
Every company leader
And every country leadership
To be a person of today
If you are for any legitimate reason late.
You miss the time
The time will not for you
The time already walking since 600.000 years
If you delay him just 30 to 50 years
When the time will end its life in 600.000 years
He will not have a feeling that he was delayed by you
But you being late 30 year in a life time 0f 60
You will not be lucky like the time
You will have the burden to waist half of your life
Happiness in every sense
Possible by being part of today and future
Moving forward is possible
if one
do not miss the past
If you miss the past
You receive double bonus of loser
On that paper it is
I am sorry you missed both the past and the future
I am going to tell these words
To my class mates that they missed the technological revolution
They are my age and can not use the computer
These words are scalable to different people different companies
and different countries
The list is long for each one
I spare you from this
4:16 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
The Kingdom of Yes Men
I had a day dream the other day
I imagined to be in a virtual kingdom of yes men.
They have a language of no no
No is not part of the language
Nor does it have a meaning
No is in the tradition a taboo.
No is also forbidden in any mouth
In that country yes is only in the eyes
And it is also in the hearts
I was walking around from place to place
Saying no gently here
Saying no smilingly there
In this country people love babies
Everybody get crazy for their babies
And for others babies
Babies are in their heart
Babies are in their minds
Babies are in their souls
Babies are in all their fantasies
Babies are every where
And babies are their joys
The only places babies are not
It is in their books
I am going from a place to place
Saying over and over gently and patiently
Babies are our future
Babies are our only hope
For a world without wars
and for a world without hate
If you like your own baby
If you hug your own baby
If you see my baby in the street and you smile and you hug him
Open your books
And erase the black baby
And change his name to white baby
I can see in your eyes
the humanity and love and respect
Unfreeze the time and let your love to pour from your baby
and fall as waterfall on my baby
The father of black baby
No money no house no treasure is more worth than a life and dignity of one single baby
3:44 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
March 12
Room 325
The cause.
Is it the real cause?
Redefining the problem?
Is it the problem?
It is just a symptom!
That is hiding a problem in black hole?
If it is symptom?
Stupid I am?
Of course I play with symptom
Waste time and money of millions of people
How many people were hurt?
If you hurt one person
One little person!
You hurt the whole universe
It is not a religious wisdom
It is basics of good sense that
Everybody belong to our world
If a world was a huge hotel
And all of us have a room and a key
If room 325 bad mouth
the guy in room
You ask the security
Go and take the nasty guy in 325
And give him a kick in the a.s.
Discrimination is just a symptom
Only discriminated can decide if they
feel discriminated
But the root cause is in nature
We all have tendency
We put one thief one killer one rapist in jail
When they have one single victim
Since when thieves decide killers decide and rapists decide?
If they are guilty?
They will all say
I did not
Discriminator is a killer in gestation.
He has a big knife in hand
Waiting the chaos
To become a serial killer
If discriminator is a killer waiting the
right time
How you can accuse somebody of doing something
in future
That is the failing point!
So forget about the future
Also about present!
How you can prove he is waiting to kill?
That is also impossible!
Forget about present!
Than ask
Why he is discriminator
What is his genesis?
You come to the cell!
What is it?
Its a word!
A word that express hate of another!
The original sin of discriminator!
Kill the right to hate
Kill the freedom to hate
Kill the last unpunished crime against humanity
Make a word of hate
A crime
If the word of hate is a a crime?
Who likes to go to jail?
Who would
like to campaign for vote from crimi
Which hypocrite fake a.s would hide behind the freedom of speech
Only the people who like to have freedom to hate will give
the freedom of speech to a hater
How about the people who discriminate unintentionally
in exercising their work as public servant?
Just treat them in same way like a person who is an accessory
of murder when you condemn a murderer!
A discriminator is uniform
Is worst of all discriminators.
He use a public service for the people and paid by the people
against the people?
will try to empower people by education
in future the weak segment inhabitant of the hotel called
Our world.
Would not let any guest in any room of our hotel
Disturb the weakers!
In priority our mission will be to have a world in future:
-No Baby in this world will born without nationality without identity
-No national interest and no laws will exist that insult an innocent baby by making
him a victim of discrimination
-All babies are our future
-No physically handicapped person will be discriminated against the right of every soul
to prosper intellectoually and financially
-No elderly will wait for dying alone without people visiting her and him
-Nobody will be discriminated just because the life he has chosen about
how to live in his own house.How to make a family.Who has to be his own partner
How to dress.How to believe to his own religion.Where to build his own temple.
How to t pray.How to think.
What to write.
Where t
o write
If any body who can not exercise these rights in any place in the world.
He is living in a world that put constraint to creativity.
The rules of action
Blaming,accusing a person a country and a government will not be allowed within the WWD
No politics please
We are all like a family in this world
We can not have a future if we cause discord
I want this idea to be a house to all
WWD will be a social engineering instution belonging to to all volonteers
I am writing the chart and Monday will be published
And we are going to change behavior of the people
To make a better word without fighting,insulting,pointining finger
on others
Every one will have only one right in finger pointing\
This right is to say
I point my finger to my self
to say after giving my consent freely;
-I decided to change
to say
I first change my self, my opinion,
than to say:
I change people around me
after that:
We are going to change our world
just by ery changing people very near to
If there will be many volonteers
Our world will have a cell therapy
If every cell cure it self
The body that we call our world
will be free of injustice
the power of living in a world of justice
will beyond of our imagination
Imagine a world
All energy is used
Without hating
Looking down on others
I decided first convince a few
Its normal every body is busy
Using step by step friendly talk
We do not intend to form a party
A group with offices and desks
Just change mind of people
""Seules les imbeciles ne changent pas d'avis.""
says a French proverb
Our word has a watch in discrimination
it works like that
work stop, work, stop
Like a growing baby
Advance in mind and stop, advance and stop
The world exist since long
It does not matter when WWD will succeed
What does it matter for me
When it should start
I was lucky to think about it
After being hurt very deeply
When I think
How a human beeing can be so horrible
So stone hearted
All my anger and feeling was
focuses on:
I am sad not only for me
Also for those who are suffering in my own
I think about how to stop other human
To be evils
Even they live like aliens
hiding in clothes similar to us
Pretending to hold a job
Pretending that they protect National Interest
I can do nothing
Dry the soil on which they grow
My best answer will be
To engineer a social soil
that will stop
And I am doing it and it will work.
I ask the readers just to help men
Can have two faces?
One face in his work for those he likes?
Another face to those in his work to those he does not like.
How a man can hug a baby in his house shows sign of affection
In his work
He exclude a baby
Its beyond my understanding
That devil inside us must die
In concentration camp In germany
Were haters are alive and kicking
Waiting to open a new camp
They also did same
They burned people and children in day time
And when they went back home
They hugged their baby
We all need to engineer our word to dry the fertile soil
under the feet of monsters
Yes we may need a lot of time
But we must start now
11:21 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Theory of Black Hole
I dedicate this theory to Alfonso Peppe
He is the one who write a recommendation for me in Linkedin.com
He said for me I can resolve any problem
No matter how much flattering is this comment
I like Alfonso
He calls me Uncle
I call him my nephew
I do not want him to lose face
As I live in China I learned it is important not to make a person to lose face
Ok let us come to our problem today
I studied many problem resolution methodologies
Developed by my hero s
Today at 4 am I woke up I thought about this Black Hole Problem Resolution
Methodology.Any Methodology that can not resolve in full means
No good.
Every problem should have a solution
If no solution
Its not the fault of problem
Its our fault
You and me and all others
We apply the no blame rule
Blame is just waist of time
The black hole is a virtual place of darkness
In that hole hides all unresolved problems
Despite the effort of millions of people
The problems have an inherent resistance to resolution
To solve them
Need to reshuffle all the cards
Meaning identifying the causes
Defining the problems
And proposed solutions
Are all wrong
Must reset all to zero ground
And start from beginning
WWD is the first case of solving a problem
that's hurt the victims in millions
The people who by donating money or working for good cause
And me
The little man in me
Having had a child
That is called illegal
By my family
And by my in laws family in large
I am just a little dust in universe
And like me there are millions of particles
I decided to look to the big picture
And found the solution for problem as old as humanity
This problem caused wars assassinations and genocides
It makes every second a person hurt maybe millions of them
My conclusion
If rapists are in jails
If thieves are in jails
We must educate our children not to say a hate word
A hate word is a crime
A person who say a single word of hate
Must be put in jail
A person who hates
Must not have freedom of speech
Must not have right to have his house
He must be in jail
I will elaborate this later
I need to go out now
4:28 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 07
Living with a cork on the head
We are all living guided by our genetic codes as discriminators
Yes we are all discriminators.
And we must be all ashamed of that.
Did I lose my mind?
After I explain you decide if I did indeed lose my mind.
Imagine some people, discriminated because their mother tongue,
their skin color, their religion,their political inclination,
or their physical imperfection from birth,their place of birth,
their too young age or their too old age, or their sexual preferences.
Discriminated people suffer because somebody else decide
how they should be treated
The end result is discriminated people form a group, a community
try to create a world of solidarity, only for their own group.
Inadvertently they also become discriminators by focusing only
on their own group.
And we the people who have the illusion to be the only intelligent
creatures we just behave like animals.
This chain of discriminators discriminating others they make a new kind
of discriminators
We must all converge to a single way out
Is to strengthen discriminated people to make discrimination a very dangerous
thing which is shame
If discriminators are being ashamed by more and more people
We shall reduce discrimination to the level of criminal law
Same like the one who steal money from others
When stealing the right to dignity becomes a dangerous
things for every one
We can maybe dream for a world where peoples destiny
return to the rightful owners.
Every body must have the same right
Without exception
May be in this way when they will write the history of the
world nobody will have chance to tell the history of the wars in
Nobody should have right to decide
Who is believer
Who is not believer
Who is the first class citizen
And who is the slave of modern times
Slavery of modern times is alive and kicking
If you do not believe me
Just put your question to comments section
I will prove to you
We should not have leaders who act like a village man
sitting in his own cofee house and disgrace all the people
who are unknown to him
Narrowness in mind and heart
Is a perfect recipes for blood and fire.
Do you think I lost my mind?
1:42 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 06
The shame hidden in Pandora's box
As long as I do not understand the problem, I can not design WWD system who will
not fit the hand I want to cover with a glove
Yes Discrimination is ancient
Yes yet despite all good hearted people effort and government effort in every country
1. without single exception, we are unable,to resolve this problem, when I say we, every one of us
Who can afford to look to these words in internet
Since Internet enable us say hi to each other.
It must also enable us to make the social changes and disseminate it
every where
Most of you know it but for a few who does not know what is this pandora blabla.
Here it is
Pandora's box
In Greek mythology, Pandora's box is the large jar (πιθος pithos) carried by Pandora (Πανδώρα) that, when opened by her, unleashed many terrible things on mankind – ills, toils and sickness, – and hope.[1] Contrary to popular belief, in the original story, Pandora's "box" was not actually a box at all, but rather a jar. Hence, the historically correct term would be "Pandora's jar".
Well I start this idea of discrimination when I felt it with Belgium Consulate
Was angry
Insult them
Telling you are not worth to be diplomat
My country is the best here look to laws
You signed you will represent my country
Nothing hapenned
Only at that moment
I understand why there is a joke on Good Belgian People
Earlier than that I was thinking is unfair and another discrimination
by chauvinistic French against Belgian People who in my mind the nicest people
if not one of nicest
This jokes says
How do you know a Belgian in a shoe shop?
He is the only one who put his feet in a box and says
Yes I buy it.
I was in my consulate
Speaking the offical language of French
Yet they sent me to speak Chinese first
translate it in French
Well in Belgium we have a very small quantity of people
They do not deserve to be a citizen but one day a door was open
they just got in from help of an insider dealer and sit and stayed there
The next step I discovered
Many elderly people like me were virtually tortured
Not only by my country
Also other members of Hypocrite-an Union
I do not think I disgrace Belgium a country theory
I cherish fully in my heart for the people and its institutions
and legislators of high caliber
It is not just by accident the European Executive is in Brussels
And the President the First President is an expert in allying diverse
opinions around same goal.He is from Belgium
And history will always remember the First President and I am proud
to be a citizen of Kingdom Belgium
Today I am thinking
We all human people are horrible
Without knowing
Ok you think I am exaggerating:
Sit down breath deeply and read:
-In every country rich or poor some babies are born to a wrong mother in a wrong place and
in a wrong time.I ask you what is the fault of this baby?
And why she sits in a orphanage sad and unhappy
When people come from 14000 km away and spend 50.000 us dollars to adopt those sad and sick looking innocent babies, none of us (please leave government
out of this he has so many other things to do) do somoething? What?
Why I can not go to orphanage take the baby for an hour for playing with him him smile to him
-Another exemple I have seen yesterday
3 Children very well dressed like a fashion show for kids.each from the same parents
each having her own nanny.
The parents having very important things to do they are saving the world and kids are dressed
well,nanny for each
One kick in the a.s I am the most horrible parent prize is just for them
Why somebody can not be a proxy father for them for an hour
-Imagine a school drop out, without a role model he has just choice between crime,drug and all other horrible
things is it his fault if his mother is poor and father was just a sleazy guy
Can not somebody teach him a profession in a working place?As a volunteer
-Imagine an elderly woman living alone in her house only doctor come and see her
The kids ? Hahaha unless she is an abuser she does not deserve this?
When I take my family can I also invite her for Sunday lunch she can feel human solidarity?
-Imagine I have a physical handicap
My mental ability is even higher than normal
Can somebody talk to me and teach me how to start a business on internet
I am fed up of receiving hand outs
Imagine I am too young and every body tell me haha you are too shrewd for your age
Can somebody hold my hand and let me run on my speed to the future
If not they all envy me, disgrace me they even beat me
Imagine I am 40 I live in advanced country
So advance that they decide I AM A FINISHED MAN
it will be hard for me to find a job
Can somebody advice me
I do not want to live in the world of discrimination.exclusion and indifference
Yes governments failed just for one reason
We every one of us are cowards
We left our father alone
His fault is his sons fault
We are guilty of committing atrocity to abandon others and our own father
The only way to end this
Is WWD should not have a building should not have an office
If it has one day somebody who head it will just pump the money
and use 90 percent of donation for himself and 10 percent donation
for some of his friends
We have enough monsters no need to add one more
I am starting in Hong Kong
I want to find as a test case
One person of following countries
That person from those countries will be local initiator
There will not be one office
No secretaries
There will be some role models
Live and kicking
When the people see is working
Good harted people will join as a volonteers in giving time to others
No money should change hand
Thank you for reading such a long writing
Nobody can understand with smell
I wait to finish the experience in Hong Kong
Identifying root causes in any given problem
that has inherent resistance for resolution
Through this insight and understanding I help companies or society
build narratives that people want to engage with and share.
Through greater empathy involving people or or organizations to join
actively and passively in their social interactions to add their
Put simply, I help how to make a difference by behaving differently,
to be more sociable; building sustainable relationships over time with
people who want to talk to them and about them.
WWD embraces mankind’s innate need to communicate and is driven by
shared passion,
passions that ignite social interactions so they can inspire
communication on a one to one, one to several or one to many basis.
Social media has exponentially increased the power of WWD by making it
possible for individuals to connect instantly with thousands of others
who share their passion around the world.
TEL +852 2815 7782 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +852 2815 7782 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
FAX +852 2815 7823
EMAIL: joeg@bpsc-online.com
2:39 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 05
What to do if the system does not work?
All the ssystems in place to protect us are useless
If the person who listen to you
Is a discriminator
-He will not receive to you
-He will not open his door to you
-He will close his heart and mind to you
Thats what hapenned to me
Talking niceley and holding a stick did not work
I am not in favor of fighting in words or in deeds
demonstration NO, court action NO NO NO
So i used my experience in problem resolution methodology\
-I decided the system in place does not have protection for the people like me
My first reaction was
I am just a single man
How many people are in my situation
My discriminator confirmed they are many
That day I decided I will take showel
Dig the definition of Discrimination
I did it
It is in the nature we are all discriminators
To say this is very necessary to reduce the effect of all anger
in thinking.
Thinking honestly without influence of our frustration
Without this it is just a vendetta
How to fight peacefully without finger pointing and accusing others
I examined the constraints
1 It was a side that was telling me in my house
I decide
and you shut up
If I am in a house of a such person
I like him
I like the house
I have a very long relation of respect and love
The last thing I have to do is to offend him
If I want other to respect my values I ow the same to others
After a short emotional out burst I decided to keep cool
and apply small doses of cure of information
Telling it is nothing let us think
was better than say you......andy words who can not be printed here
But I let anyone to guess
I opened a drawer
put his file in
I wite 3 P s on it Patience Politeness Persistence
Ok let us turn to the kitchen where we are going to cook a dish to all
discriminators (every one of us can be one)
When he taste it
He will say wowwwwwwwwwww
And convert him to our idea
That side was my country my continent
Both sides were hand in hand holding me in a waiting room for long time
To say the thruth
The only one I have now
Discrimination is not a bad guy thing
We are all discriminators is more true than say
some are discriminators
The first thing to make sure he sees we are human
I took baby and go hallo how are you
after 3 times they discover hey they are not animals?
Now let us come to foundation
If you do want a house to crash
just pull the foundation
Anti discriminator has a beautiful roof and sign we hate discrimination
Discriminator use this roof to hide his intent
And he found the foundation
Which is the ignorance, lack of ability of the victims
Like a crook he can not exist without the victim took the role
to satisfy his needs
O decided to pull the carpet under discriminator
Where every he is
What ever he does
If discriminator is just economic crisis , why not help him
If the person have a bright mind and has some problems in body shape
he may have the best support from family and state
Yet who said if that person read english and use internet
Who said and decided that person can not open a business and make money on line
These people with frustration they can be very successful I know it
Any body who feel discriminated
will receive guiding coaching
to give their wounded soul a feeling
of being useful
What I say if every body do the same\
We can bring back the power who will benefit
all of us
10:24 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
Point the finger up
The other day in my paper I wrote;
In every (58) country I have been, they do not like government
Today I feel like I promised to go to market to buy some apple
and came back half the way to market empty handed
Today I say to my self ,you lousy guy when you do something
go all the way to the end
Here is my apple:
What is government
It is like me and you a guy called:
Mr Every body by accident of Election, power grabbing or coup d'etat
he took the power
He has a privilege if he is civil servant to have life long employment.
Its an outdated concept
We have objects dying at the very tender age
If we have family we like to change it like we do with iphone covers
The cities and countries we have we also like to change it with other city
At the cost of suffocating in a container people dying just for changing
Since everything is changing around us
And we feel dizzy and confused of changes
In a changing times and changing world
There is just one last thing remain unchanged
It is called ourselves
To change every one of us
We need just go to a mirror
Every single one of us
And point one finger to the air
And read this
By the time every one of us read something that remind him or her
Just turn the finger to our self
and Scream very strongly
Its meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
If every one of us have the courage to do this
No one
I promise no one
will blame the government
The government is Mr every body who just become Mr somebody without
losing his own
side of Mr every body
If he was raised in a 3 person family
and parents just let him kick other kids
in game park and he saw his parents kicking
pushing others to get on the bus
Treat others like a piece of detritus
When Mr Every body junior
Become Mr somebody senior
He will make policy like the selfish kid when
he is Mr somebody and will not listen others
I ask you Mr and Mrs everybody of this country
You have no right to blame your Mr somebody
as he is like Mr everybody
Imagine you are in a country that every father cheat
Cheat his customer or supplier
Cheat his wife by selecting 1,2,3,4,5,6 wives and 1 to45 girlfriends
Yes he is like Mr everybody
If he makes money
Every body will praise him
And when he is in government
What do you expect this Mr somebody to do?
Can he be different from Mr every body?
He will cheat his country
Imagine a country
That father teach children
We are better, we are higher, we are good and other are lousy
He teach them that others are our enemy since 5000 years
Others are arrogants
Others we smile to them if we have our hands in their pocket
touching their greenbacks
And if a Mr everybody in this country become Mr Somebody
And he is the president in this country of all somebodies and evrybodies
What do you expect him to do?
If others became even the father of their own children
They will call others children
They will call them black
They will let others who loved their country as much as their own
To suffer
Others will accept everything that includes death, torture, exclusion
Heart disease
And others will win
Just because they hugged a child and said
That is my son
I will go to any extent
Support insult , injury, exclusion and any thing
Because I am responsible for my son
And since instinct of survival is
the mother of all the laws
No laws can beat the law of life
If the laws were able to eliminate the life
The humans were gone long time ago
That Mr Somebody who was brought up in hating others
When he become Mr Somebody
He will say others eat very bad food and they are discus ting
He will put them in a train send them to burn in a factory called
freedom makes you free
He will take the children calling them illegals put them in a plane
beat them punch them
and kick them
He will tell them
Welcome to my county
You wanna come in
Ok I tell you what to do
Go out first
Walk 3000 miles
You see a window at the end of 3000 miles
Show your passport
give a photo
wait 8 hours if you pay 3 dollar
wait 24 hours if you pay 2 dollars
if you pay 1 dollar you wait 2 days
if you pay five
I know a friend
you go to him
He will give you everything you like
Just pay pay and pay
You know it is not our fault
We were poor before
we have been cheated
I tell you revenge is a sweet dish when you wait long
and eat it cold
Please do not talk about our tradition
respect the fathers
It is just a sales gimmick
Please forgive us
You and us we all have kings and queens before
But you have guts
You just took them
When they were arrogant
and bad
put them on a table
And let the knife cut off their head
Since that day your fathers are fair
Your children are outspoken
And do not give a dime to show off
Show off no father has the right to be unfair
Even they lose their life
They say this
But we are silent every where
Thats why we think you are arrogant
I know you like us
And when you like somebody
You just forgive him
You do not point finger on yourself?
Well that's up to you
Please do not point your finger on only one country in the above situations
They are many countries I will never write names
If you ask me
I will let you sign a clause of confidentiality.
If you sign
I will just whisper the names of all the countries I loved
Loved like every child I have.
We can never open an university of honesty
Honesty can be learnt in every family
If every family open 1, 2 or 3 student classes
exclusively for their own children
Nobody will blame the government anymore
As every body will know at last
Government is just like us
5:13 AM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
March 03
The Nightmare of Peace
Hate,Discrimination,Genocide,Wars are human creations.
And the longing for peace is the hope
of every common man.
If they can not be stopped.
Just for one reason.
Prevention become a very BIG BUSINESS.
The danger become source of income
for millions if not hundreds of millions
of people
Like everything
The meaning of prevention which is presented
to be a tool for a noble aim of peace
Make a coup and take over the place of aim.
The tool for aim of peace
becomes the aim
The tool that I believe to protect me
My Shield against real or virtual danger
Fix the agenda
The tool decide war and peace
The tool in peace is hungry
It is like a gun you buy
To defend your self
It has a cannon toward your enemy
But it is a dummy one
In reality it acts like shooting your enemy real or of imagination
And this gun does not have a system
To protect the victims not the one of his group
This gun
Make victim the soldiers of his own army
It makes victim people in the buses of the republic of suicidal shield
It does not care people blowing up in the hotels
The energy necessary for survival of this tool
Is to perpetuate the war
Let us be fair
The adverse party
Never miss the opportunity
to join the fiesta
Hey come come
Forget about what is written in TV or Radio and Newspapers
Come here
We are going to teach you the mother of all businesses
You also pretend to defend your side of the cake
I pretend to work for my side of the cake
And than forget about useless young and innocent people sacrificed
for the sake of our good retirement
Look all of our big hero s when they are retired
They buy farms have money
They can buy the best real estate property
Blood money have no smell of innocents
The only problem some of them need to wait long time
to pass from glory to shame without transition
Universal Justice has its own law
its own timetable
No need to anybody to do something
It always came when everybody think it will never come
When it comes
You think
It has a heavy hand
Its a mystery to understand why?
So in the hand of income generators
Hate,genocide, Wars become all a marketable
Highly attractive
Because there is no price control for it
Just need a good sales team to sell it
National interest ?
As there are a very big number of people working in prevention
of terror,anti discrimination, war.
Every body become merchant of death
I imagine If I am a leader of a country
No need to give names
All countries who have service and product economy
In anti terror, Defense industry have same problem
If tomorrow I am a leader in such country
I am naive like this writer
I am also under illusion that there is no killers rapists in my prisons
And I want to stop the wars and hate
From the moment I intend to express this intention
That I want to end the hate and genocide and wars
I declared this in TV
Short time later I receive a call from my advisers for a very urgent matter
And they come to meet with a very thick file
And give me the exact numbers of how many people, my people!
will lose jobs.
And watching with horror the figure
I say
Oh My God!
I call Mr A
He is a friend
He is also a president like me in another country.
I call him
-Hey Mr A I need your help
-There is a danger that in a world of peace
millions of my citizens will be hungry
-We just play C&M game (cat and mouse in coded words)
-From today we only use encrypted phone line
-We set on CODE S plan ( s for simulation)
-Both of us are free to blame and disgrace each other
Ok my dear emperor of evil I will always love you as a savior
of millions of family heads who proudly bring food to their home
by putting in danger their life to protect sacred motherland
I love, you bring Priscilla to Switzerland to our secret chalet
Its a bad place to hide money but still good place to hide our selves
from evil eyes
Tell her I miss her cookies.
Sorry My Sweet A TV crew is here I have to make a declaration;
-Mr President, What do you think of Mr A Declaration to
day that he wants to produce seeds for his potato farms
And he does not accept to buy recycled seeds anymore
I say:
-Only the empire of evil can have such an evil intention
I am blinking lightly my left eye
to those who can live happily in their home with their family
Let President A do not buy our product
I have two good friends that have a good industry as well
This world is, live and let live world
Let them also bring good income to their people
Suddenly I feel hot
My clothes are soaked
I am sweating
Thanks God it was Nightmare
I am not president
I am in a lousy hotel room
I should not eat so much food in evening
But I am a fat boy I like eating
Those flowers are so lousy
The Tata Tea I bought is so delicious
I am sure in your mind you are asking me this question:
-Mr Joe ! If you were such a president of the nightmare of Peace!
What will you do?
I will answer:
I was lucky to born with my right hand on my heart
Circumstances may sometimes took this arm on my right side
But my right arm has a built in memory
It will always go back to where it belongs
I can tell you by putting my hand on my heart.
-I swear God , If I were President of my Country
-I will perpetuate the hate,war and Genocide just to bring
food to all those who are depending on my policy to feed their children.
If I were the President of my Nightmare of Peace
I will tell you
Let very poor people to blame me as I am their only hope
But Hey Business Men!
Do not lose direction
I do the politics
You do business
Just give jobs to my people
Every one of you is president
President of A Cofee Shop
President of a small country that every one
of you have around you
If you focus on creating new business men
that will create a new generation of new business men
There will be jobs for my defense
and security industry bread earners.
If you do that
You know me
I am also a father
I do not like to send my soldiers to die
Sorry I have no choice
If you know how I feel older in such a short time
Yes I see in your mind you think
When he took office he was so sharp and handsome
The guilt of let earn so many people with blood money
Crashed him.
If you know my heart
Believe me
You will not envy me.
This story is a fictional writing
Any similarity with existing people is just a very strange coincidence.
The aim is
To let people thinking
Old problems cannot be solved with failing solutions
All the people are educated to respect others
Not to hurt even a bug
Saving our nature
Yet old solutions are obsolete
We must find the root causes
If root causes are eliminated
We can have a life of peace that we all want
1:16 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it
February 28
Minority Report
If you are part of a minority group and you are holding to your group
-For religious and cultural affinity
-For feeling in danger of assimilation
-For considering that you have a superior culture
-Your duty is to show solidarity to the people that are in your group
based on ethnicity,religious practices and purity of blood
You are also responsible to contribute for a world of peace and brotherhood
among the people in this world
If you are feeling excluded,discriminated, you should also have some
actions to prove to haters by concrete actions that they are deadly wrong
These concrete actions can not be made by excluding those who are excluding
Since ancient Greek civilzation we all know every human social group
can flourish with moderation.
Moderation in thinking in actions and in reaction.
Moderation in reaction to those disgrace you
and discriminate you, can be:
In your humanitarian and social and charity activities
You should build bridge not only withing the group
also outside the group by including in your protection
umbrella members of other groups
It is like Chinese Martial Arts
If you are excluded and in self preservation
you unwillingly unintentionally exclude others
The result is endless mutual exclusion
If you are excluded and you include others
You create a doubt in the foundation of thinking
of your haters
The name of this doubt is
Look while we also give scholarships and enterprise
incubation assistance to their children
What they are doing
Lousy haters
They are just evil talkers
There is a need a new strategy a new way of thinking
to clear the earth of ancient disease called
It is possible to lead the world
by acting coherently
9:26 PM | Add a comment | Permalink | Blog it | Health and wellness
February 26
What is WWD
Why I start WWD?
In those times of economic hardships,people are losing jobs.
Those who are discriminated are finding themselves in more precarious situation
As saying goes when money missing couples disintegrate
Minorities are shown in time of hardships with fingers as if they
are the architects of crisis
i have friends in Istanbul of Jewish descent inhabitants of the land
since 517 years saying people do not want to deal with us just because
we are Jewish.
The whole middle east becoming an indignant mother living the compulsive
disease of infanticide.
A process started in 1918.
The land like an indignant mother killing one after another its own children.
If one mother will kill one child what every one will think?
Genocide can happen any time anywhere to any people
If any one tell me
No my people do not kill others
I answer
Look to your Jails
Every country has its own killers
How a mother can kill her own children?
Started with Armenians whose victims do not have monuments
in the land they were massacred
In those lands
My grandfather who told me his experience
My Grand father lost 20 members of his family of 23
When trying to escape among the Armenians
The city of VAN following the river called ZAP
As a young man witnessing the death of his family
My grand father lived his life
Like a man who never knew how to talk
He is the one who let me learn 2 languages reading and speaking
before I even set foot in primary school
If I am a polyglot today
I ow this to ethnic diversity with which I was surrounded
After Armenians Kurdish people, Shiites,Sunnis,Assyrians,Chaldeans,
Yazidis all were exiled from ancestral Lands
Leaving behind their most sacred Holly Temples
They are enriching now Australia Canada Europe with their skills
Inherited from ancient civilisation
In those Middle East while the monuments of the ancestors of those people
are displayed with pride, their children are kidnapped, hold at ransom, their worship places are desecrated, and their daughters are raped.
Concretely what Can I do?
There is no need to another charity organization soliciting donations
They are in good number and doing admirable job.
The governments are in most countries trying their best but yet
They look like a tired father coming home late at night and assaulted by
his many children
Not knowing to whom to pay attention
While laws, regulations and anti discrimination NGO s are doing their best
yet there is a need
A need that every business man and investor can do modestly in his own corner
We the people who can turn the idea into dollars and cents
We are no different than a father who only spoiled his children with money
without giving a time to hug him and to be with him
We the business man must start a system like a father to be with his children
to be with our fellow humans
Money can not replace a human that respect a wounded human and talk to him eye to eye
No money can replace this
I decided to do this
as a role model
Hong Kong is the smallest of the all The Empires
But yet the strongest
In Hong Kong
Government is the best of its kind
Anybody going to their office to do something
Is received quickly and his inquiry is treated
as if every civil servant is a business man
Hong Kong people even with their good rule of law well intentioned
rules and regulation have problems
Accommodation is hard to get for common people
Young people can not marry and move out to build a family
Many people like in all China sacrifice a lot
Sharing the meager space and resources for the sake of good of their country
I just say
We do not need to wait hand in pocket touching the dollars bills no matter how small
we know how to make money
It is our duty and our civic obligation to help discriminated people
Like an Ancient Chinese saying
Do not give other a fish if he is able bodied
Just teach him how to fish
You do not need for this even 30 dollars
All you need is sit with him smile to him encourage him
for 30 minutes show him how to start
You will feel like seeing a wounded bird flying to live a life of every bird proud of his own dignity
We from grass root must help those who are unable to cope with burden
of being dependent on others
Its a matter of Human dignity
I start this alone
Record all on video
I ow to China a lot
They filled my half empty brain with
I have been coming to China since 1976
I will be 60 years old soon
I want to say thank you to China
I want to help young people in Hong Kong by guiding them
to become business men and women so they can become richer
to be able to have their own house
They all had one of the best of education in the world
Because high density of population can not let them to prosper
Hong Kong is the most friendly place of the world for those
who come and start business.
The sky is the limit for them
I also do this for living I help others from all corners of the world
to come here start business provide employment to highly skilled labor
They will jump start to become Global Player
Because I am business man
I wanted to avoid any bad mouthing that I do this to steal donations
I designed my project on no donation required basis
I will be successful and I will prove
Every body is the same\
Nobody should look down on others
Provided given a chance
Everybody can become another person
Words are nice\
But action is like a beautiful symphony
That goes straight to our soul
Priority is as follows
Physical disability
Early retired people
Philippinos, Indians,Pakistanis, Nepalis,Africans,
And young Hong Kong workers
People who think their education level is low
I will show them only man can limit his own progress
I want to show then
How to start business how to market it how to bring in money with orders
How to learn a language quickly
I do not want to open school
I only show ways
Once this is successful I will try to open branches in other places
Monday the name will be registered in Hong kong
I really love Hong Kong people I have made videos about them
I also wrote down the story of what you read today from beginning
It is here:
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
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